Best Injections so far

Posted by Nancy Pfaff ® , Feb 05,2001,19:34   Archive
Hi everyone. I'm glad to report I've had a really good set of shots this last time in January. I think they are the best yet since I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I hope they don't wear off very soon since as of Feb. 1 I no longer have medical insurance and will have to pay for them. Still on a waiting list for pre-existing conditions for individual plans. There is a year waiting list and I'm now No. 3080 on the list. Have been on the waiting list for 3 months. This plan is for major risk insurance thru the state of Calif. Will still have to pay for it but it will be cheaper than what I was just paying for a temporary Insurance thru Blue Cross. I was paying 569 it went up to 700 a month so I cancelled. Hope to find a job soon that will put me on benefits. If you get on a group plan than they can't turn you down for a pre-existing condition. Anyway My husband and are going to Vegas this week.

My Mother had a hip transplant in October. She is 85 years old. Was doing really well. Found out the Shell of the implant has been recalled so she will have to have surgery again. Unbelievable!!

Hope all of you are well! Love Nancy

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