The moral of the story is ...

Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Feb 07,2001,21:58   Archive
A couple of weeks ago I purchased two small items on eBay to be used as Valentine gifts: a pair of knight on horse cuff links for my grand-daughter, and a mouse pad of General Robert E. Lee on his horse for my Civil War buff son. The envelopes were side-by-side on the post office counter as I purchased money orders (I always send m.o. as my purchases are never very costly). I filled out money orders while visiting with my friend the postmaster. Put them in envelopes, sealed and dropped in "out" box. Mouse pad guy keeps e-mailing that I've not sent him payment. I reply that he should check his mail, here's proof. Finally get card from cuff link person, totally bewildered by her payment for something she does not have and incorrect amount and what on earth did I purchase from her. Finally figured it out ... money orders got in wrong envelopes. One would think that mouse pad guy in LA could just run across state line and exchange m.o. with cuff link gal in AL, but no way. She had already deposited her/his payment in bank (so much for banks checking authenticity of signatures and address, etc.). I think I have it straightened out now, but Valentine gifts will be delayed.

Moral: If you have BEB, only address and stuff one envelope at a time.

That was your bedtime story. Now I'll wish all of you in the east a pleasant night in dreamland.

Sally on the western side of the U.S. just coming to life for the night.

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