Survey and PDFs

Posted by Webmaster ® , Feb 18,2001,18:55   Archive
A PDF (Portable Document Format) file can be viewed on most operating systems (e.g., Windows, UNIX, LINUX, O/S2, Macintosh). Because a PDF file carries all of its formatting characteristics within it, even a very complex document such as a brochure can be viewed as it was originally formatted and will also print correctly on almost any printer.

The only requirement for viewing and printing PDF files is that you install the free Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from the Adobe site.

We are going to start using this technology on the BEBRF web site. At present, only two research abstracts have been posted in PDF but we hope to use it for things such as conference registration forms in the future.

I have utilized one of the bulletin board software's bells and whistles to install a survey to give us an indication of what percentage of our clients are ready for PDFs.

Related link: Blepharospasm Research

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