High School Course Curriculum/Awareness

Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Feb 19,2001,11:39   Archive
At our Dystonia support group meeting yesterday (remember our beb groups only meets once/year) - we were told that one of our members (a teacher at Riverdale College Institute here in Toronto) has been allowed to teach part of her Civics and OAC (Ontario Academic Courses) on Dystonia per the Ontario Ministry guidelines and her Principal's support. Can you imagine - 125 students and 5-6 teachers - all energetic and enthusiastic learning about dystonia (including beb) (plus their families). The students have to give 40 hours of community service and this will all go towards our Walk-A-Thon on June 2nd. The course will be in the curriculum for future years. The students not only will learn about all dystonias but will for the Walk: approach our mayor and city counsellors, make an organizational flow chart of the dystonia foundation and support groups, be a community advocate, etc. etc.

I think this is very exciting news and I wanted to share with you all.

June in Toronto

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