Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes

Posted by Carolyn Smith ® , Feb 25,2001,16:01   Archive
I received my botox injections Friday and also had lost both my lower plugs so the doctor inserted them into the lower lids. We had talked about the fact that everytime that I get the injections, I get a very droopy right eye. I told him that I had read that the needle should be aimed away from the levator muscle. I could tell that he did this, which I don't think he has previously done. He also lowered the number or units because I am so sensitive to meds including botox. I was in great shape when I left his office but Saturday morning my right eye was so bloodshot and as the day progressed, the left eye became the same way. I know that he said that he was going to put in the largest plugs and I can see them sticking out from the tearducts. The corner of the eyes actually hurt and I have never had this before. Have any of you ever had anything like this to happen?

Plano, Tx

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Re: Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes

Re : Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes --- Carolyn Smith
Posted by Shanasy in IL ® , Feb 25,2001,21:25 Top of Thread Archive
Yes, although I haven't had bloodshot eyes from the plugs. I have had probably 10-12 put in because they kept coming out (what a waste of money...I am sure the dr. didn't mind!). I forget the brand, but I had some put in that were white so that you could see for yourself if they were still in or not (a great idea!). I could see them protruding and they REALLY hurt my eyes. I swear I could feel them scratch my eyes. I completely gave up on plugs. They were a nightmare! I had cauterization done too, but the ducts just re-opened! Another waste of money!

Shanasy, still waiting to hear the "Moistur-Eyes unofficial clinical trial" verdict. lol!

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Re: Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes

Re : Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes --- Carolyn Smith
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Feb 25,2001,22:43 Top of Thread Archive
I'd like to discuss this for a moment, although it's a little outside my realm of experience, partly because I have some knowledge that may be helpful. This is mostly my opinion, which you should take for what it's worth.

I assume that you use the plugs in your tear ducts because the BEB, and/or the Botox, causes your eyes to tear uncontrollably. While I haven't had that experience, I can see that as a possibility, and as a source of frustration for you. Right?

At the Monterey meeting in '99, there was a report by a neurologic research team of locating a particular nerve connection in the brain and the face. The specific connection they found is between the center of emotion in the brain and the tear ducts. The connection is direct and hard-wired, so to speak. When our emotions are energized, we tend to weep, whether from pain or joy. I'm not at all sure WHY we do this - I'm sure there's some evolutionary explanation for this effect, e.g. helping us to better survive certain threats to our well-being - but anyhow it's there in all of us.

I'm not sure, again, how this knowledge may be of use to you in your search for an effective treatment. But maybe if you discuss this stuff with your Doctor the two of you may be able to make a connection that will help. I hope so.

--- Lynn

--modified by Lynn Yarbrough at Sun, Feb 25, 2001, 22:46:41

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Re : Re: Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Feb 26,2001,07:26 Top of Thread Archive
Its my understanding that there are 2 types of tears - the normal ones that lubricate the eye and the unsatisfactory type (that I get often after botox) that just run down your face uncontrollably that do not lubricate your eyes at all. The unsat. tears (for me) stop in a matter of a couple of weeks, but make life miserable (and under eyes very sore) until they stop.

June in Toronto, where the temp. went up to +14C yesterday and today its below zero again!

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Re: Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes

Re : Re: Botox ,plugs, and bloodshot eyes --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Virginia ® , Feb 26,2001,07:46 Top of Thread Archive

Actually, tears drain from the eyes via tear ducts. The ducts are closed off to keep tears in the eyes. Those of us with low tear production need to keep what little tears we do make inside our eyes. Drops were doing me no good because they were draining out so fast. If you were producing sufficient tears (or excess tears), you wouldn't want the ducts plugged. My ophthalmologist used temporary (collagen, disolvable) plugs first to judge whether I would have too much tearing, and thus not want the ducts plugged. Since the temporary ones helped, we went on to something more lasting.

Virginia in AL, where it looks like spring - daffodils all over the place and my star magnolia in full bloom.

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