
Posted by Dee in OR ® (Dee L.,Dee in OR), Mar 01,2001,21:41   Archive
This question came from a friend of mine who asked me to post it here and on the dystonia BB to see if anyone else has had this experience.

"When I went to the Doctor Feb. 14 th he did not give me shots of Myobloc for the Cervical Dystonia. He said he thought it would cause too much trouble swallowing and as I have trouble sometimes doing so now I agreed. He said you have to give the shot through the mouth into the muscles on the inside of the back of the neck. Does not sound like too much fun at all. I was wondering if any one else has gotten shots with A Or B like that and did it cause any trouble? I sure would appreciate any input from you all and if you want to respond privately, you can e-mail Dee and she will send the info on to me."

Thanks for your help here.

Dee in OR

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