Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 02,2001,09:46   Archive
He was wearing dark wrap-around glasses on the Vicki Gabereau (CTV) tv show this morning. I'm sure you all know of Robert Munsch - the author of all those wonderful kid's story books. My 2 grown-up sons and I cried so much over "Love You Forever".
He was born in Pittsburgh, Penn. and now lives in Guelph, Ontario. I e-mailed him asking if he had beb (do hope he doesn't mind the intrusion, I put it as nicely as possible). I'll let you know what transpires.
If you want to visit his site for books, poems and a bio go to the link

Related link:

June in Toronto, who is busy posting today!

--modified by June in Toronto at Fri, Mar 02, 2001, 09:48:38

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