Hi Gang! Good News!

Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Mar 07,2001,11:43   Archive
Remember that I mailed 21 awareness letters to doctors in the Columbia area to educate them on the importance of knowing about BEB, keeping BEBRF brochures to give to patients they suspect or diagnose with BEB and refering them to my support group and the foundation to get them on the BEBRF mailing list. My doctor at Vanderbilt in Nashville didn't know a single person in Columbia who treated BEB. I found 2 already(both female neurologists). When I talked to the Botox Rep about giving our support group some support and speaking in the future, he told me something interesting. One of the doctors in Columbia who called me after she got my letter has already called the foundation and got on their list and asked for brochures. She didn't know about BEBRF and the Botox Rep says she is the biggest customer they have in TN.!!! I found that amazing. She has told me she treats many patients in this area and asked me would I be interested in starting a support group in Columbia. She also said she would help with newspaper article on me and BEB. I told her I was interested in starting them all over the state and getting a state organization started, but I would need lots of help from doctors and patients, because I couldn't do it all. If she and the other doctor in Columbia give me the people who want support I think I can find someone else to do the Nashville group now that I have it up and going. Just wanted to share that with you.
Delaine in Columbia, TN on a beautiful sunny day. I have Botox scheduled for March 26th with Dr. in Columbia for the first time and it's not the doctor who called me after getting the letter. So I'll have another option if this one doesn't work out. I liked her the one time I saw her and she understands fibromyalgia and is willing to treat both. Life is good.

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