Dystonia Foundation (Resignation)-THANKS

Posted by M Chiasson ® , Mar 10,2001,13:35   Archive
Dear fellow patients:

A special thanks goes out to all who supported me in their postings and in their private e-mails. I have been told and sense it to be true that many people wanted to say what I said but were reluctant to say it.
I may seem too blunt at times but I say it as I see it. My Resignation and subsequent posting on this Board is not to start a controversy but rather to make sure that the Patient's immediate needs come first.
However, sometimes things need to be said to make sure that we do not lose our focus on the reason for the very existance of the Dystonia Foundation and the Blepharospasm Foundation. It is for the patient and while we must continue to find ways to fund research to find a cure, my opinion (and it appears that it is the opinion of many other patients) is that we must pursue ways of helping the patient cope with the harsh realities of daily living with Dystonia. Let us also continue to help Fund-Raising efforts of the Dystonia and Blepharospasm Foundations to raise money to continue their research, however, let us not forget that the immediate emotional and medical needs of the patient come first.
Let us pray that we can work closer together so that, at least on a short term basis, the immediate needs of the Patient are addresed.

Thank you all for your support.

Mr. Marcellin Chiasson, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada
TEL: 902-625-1811

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