Lynn Johnston in Toronto - Attn: M. Chaisson/Others

Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 14,2001,18:55   Archive
I still don't have ALL of the information about this event. But more than before:

Lynn Johnston will be appearing at Ryerson Theatre, 43 Gerrard Street East, Toronto (in between Yonge Street and Church Street - on the South side), on the evening (I still don't have a time yet) of Monday, May 14th. The theatre seats 1200. (box office tel. no. 416-977-1055). I believe Ticket Master will be handling the sale of tickets ($20 each)
- to be confirmed.

It is to be a medical research benefit concert - with all funds from it going to Canadian Dystonia research.

Lynn will be speaking about her life, including her drawings. She has asked for monitors to be placed in the theatre, so that indicates she will be drawing and/or showing her drawings (approx. 1 hour). There will be approx. 1/2 hour for book signing afterwards (I don't know if her book is auto-bio or on her cartoon family).

You asked if there would be anyone there to ask questions of? Do you mean about Dystonia? I know there will be someone introducing her (possibly the President of our Dystonia support group or the Canadian Rep) and a lot of volunteers there, including myself (hopefully wearing distinguishable dystonia t-shirts - but at this point I don't know the answer to your question.

I hope you can spread this limited info. - more to come as I find out about it.


June in Toronto

--modified by June in Toronto at Wed, Mar 14, 2001, 18:58:24

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