Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm

Posted by Yvon Breton ® , Mar 21,2001,09:54   Archive
Please anyone,
A member of our Ottawa Dystonia Support Group is interested to know if anyone else suffers from sleep apnea and post-polio conditions in relation with blepharospasm. She doesn't have access to the internet but would like to share experiences.

thank you

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Re: Sleep Apnea/Didn't I read this somewhere?

Re : Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm --- Yvon Breton
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Mar 21,2001,18:03 Top of Thread Archive
Seems to me that someone posted awhile back about having sleep apnea and BEB ... or did I read that on the Dystonia BB? It might take some time before that person notices your new posting. Wish I could help.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm

Re : Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm --- Yvon Breton
Posted by Evelyn ® , Mar 21,2001,18:46 Top of Thread Archive
My sister is going to a sleep clinic because she may have sleep apnea. She had polio when she was about twelve or thirteen, and she's sixty now. She's had to have hip replacement surgery on both hips. She doesn't have BEB, but her head shakes quite badly.

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Re: Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm

Re : Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm --- Yvon Breton
Posted by MaryNY ® (Mary,MaryNY), Mar 21,2001,21:35 Top of Thread Archive
Yvon - I have sleep anea, never had polio, but I remember so well the summer afternoons in the '40's when my mother made my sister and me "rest" while the epidemic was local. One of her friends, a young mother, died from it. I was so thankful that the vaccine came out when I had children of my own! Mary

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Re: Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm

Re : Sleep Apnea, Post-polio and blepharospasm --- Yvon Breton
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Mar 22,2001,08:13 Top of Thread Archive
No to sleep apnea and post-polio.

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