Grace Ann's question about Doxil

Posted by Don Peaslee ® , Mar 30,2001,12:04   Archive
If you will go to the BEBRF Main Page and go down about nine lines on the index you will see under the heading "Forms of Treatment" the mention of Doxil. Follow that thread and it will take you to Dr. Wirtschafter's page at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Wirtschafter has been working on this for many years. (You will notice that he is part of the BEBRF Medical Advisory Board). He has made a presentation at each of the last several BEBRF conferences.

The use of Doxil for blepharospasm is essentially a form of chemo-myectomy. That is, the injections into the eyelid lifting muscles actually kill the muscle tissue rather than just paralyzing it for a few weeks or months. This process is done slowly over many months or years so that the amount of muscle deactivation can be carefully assessed before proceeding with more injections.

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