Tips for Shirley

Posted by catherine pender ® (Catherine Pender,catherine pender), Apr 02,2001,10:45   Archive


I just wanted to pass on a couple of tips that I found helful when I had my surgery.
I stayed at the Chase Suites too and it was very comfortable.
Dr Anderson suggested that I sleep upright as much as possible. The suite we were in had a sectional sofa and I found that by using all the pillows I could prop myself up and sleep very well. Hubby used the bed. Also I practiced walking to the bathroom with my eyes shut to get the layout down. I did not need any of the pain medication that Dr Anderson prescribed but did use gravol to keep me in a state of calmness and slept most of the time.
Another thing. Take at least 2 gel ice packs so you can rotate them. I used them right over the bandages and on my forhead all the time.

Good luck and I am sure others will post tips before you go. I had my surgery right around the same time last year and it was beautiful in Salt Lake. We took drives around and also walked when I could. It will be busy getting ready for the Olympics next winter.

I had botox last tuesday for the first time in almost 10 months but now I know I probably should have gone a little sooner. I forgot how painful it was. I will definately talk to the doctor about the things that were posted on the bb last week.

Catherine in Calgary
ps June what part of Toronto do you live in. I get there several times a year. Maybe we could meet sometime.

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