Blepharospasm Bulletin Board

Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Posted by: Michele ®
02/19/2004, 17:01:32

Hello, I am 25 years old and recently diagnosed with BEB (although they are questioning a stress-related facial tick). I have taken Reglan and Elavil, although my symptoms appeared before taking any medications...they have just worstened since. I am fortunate to have found info so quickly, but am still in the "denial" stage.

Has anyone ever heard of BEB symptoms being triggered by hormonal changesx due to pregnancy?

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Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil -- Michele Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Lynn Yarbrough ®
02/19/2004, 17:49:14


The onset of BEB is most often seen in older people -- like in their 50's -- so although it is also most frequently seen in women, most of them are well beyond their reproductive years. In fact, you are the second youngest BEB'er I have heard of (I'm the third -- first symptoms at around 30). But I'm a guy, so I'm a little weird to start with :-).

So while I'm dismayed that a person so young faces the prospect of living with this condition even longer than I have, I'm glad for you that you got a diagnosis and have the benefit of what has been learned and spread over the internet in the last few years. Stick around here, because there are smart and sensitive people here who also have what you appear to have.

We wish you the best for you and your child. At least you are not likely to have to drive yourself to the hospital, as my wife did for one of our kids (my eyes were in bad shape then). I hope for both your sakes that you have a strong and supportive husband. With a sense of humor!


--- Lynn

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Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil -- Michele Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Debbie ®
02/19/2004, 18:04:49

I hope that you have stopped taking the Reglan and Elavil. From what I've heard and read, both could trigger and/or exasperate your symptoms.

I've never heard of hormonal changes causing problems, however. Maybe somebody else will be able to tell you about this.

Take good care of yourself!

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Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil -- Michele Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Sally in Idaho ®
02/19/2004, 22:00:21

Hi Michele,

I'm sorry you are dealing with this annoying condition at your young age. I think you might benefit from "talking" with Kelly, who used to post regularly but has been too busy lately. I will e-mail her and see if she will pop in and possibly have some answers to share. She was in her twenties when diagnosed ... think she had one baby bfore and one after diagnosis.

Good luck to you.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Re: Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil -- Sally in Idaho Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Virginia in AL ®
02/20/2004, 08:32:24

Guess I should have read your post before I wrote mine. Kelly's email address in listed on the support group page of this site.

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Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil
Re: Pregnancy and BEB/Reglan/Elavil -- Michele Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Virginia in AL ®
02/20/2004, 08:30:30

For several years Kelly Saffell participated on this BB and wrote of her experiences with pregnancy and BEB. She was probably the youngest to post regularly at that time, in her early 30's. She is a rep in Texas for the Dallas area. You might want to contact her. Since her email address is already elsewhere on this web site, I don't think she would mind if I posted it here.

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