First time for Botox

Posted by coleen dennis ® , Apr 12,2001,15:43   Archive
Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might me. I didn't realize I had to have eight in each eye but it wasn't too painful. I did have some bruising and my left eye has purple and green patches under that eye. It seems to be a little tender today. My family says they can now see my eyes and I find that they don't look as lackluster as I noticed they have been for some time. The spasms seem a little less in the house but hope this will help when I am outside, driving (which I have not done for a couple of months and hope to be able to do soon) and where there are bright lights. At work with the lights I have a hard time walking around.

Did someone have something on the BB regarding colors of lenses that help with the light sensitivity?

Since I am new, Judy had ask for some background information on me. I am about 3 weeks shy of being 48 in early May and have been married for almost 29 years to my wonderful husband, Tony. I have three wonderful children, Melanie (26), Tim (23) and Rita (19). They have seen me through breast cancer surgery & chemo 11 years ago, a hysterectomy, gallbladder surgery, and a a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia a couple of years ago. Now this new challenge. I could not have survived without them and my faith. It seems like all of you have a great attitude which I have found to be the key to survival in dealing with health challenges. A positive attitude along with a sense of humor which I see you all have also. It is no fun to have ailments such as this but it certainly helps to have others that support you. I feel welcome already. Thanks for being here for me.

Coleen from Central PA where the weather has been cloudy all day and I'm looking forward to some long awaited sunshine....Take care.

P.S. I told my son about the squinting in the school pictures and now he keeps wondering if this might befall him also. Let me know if any of you have others in your families with signs of it also.

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