Botox injection in a muscle?

Posted by todd ® , Apr 19,2001,16:34   Archive
I had a botox injection a few weeks back. I have an eyelid twitch and I can see the muscle pull in the top eyelid very close to the end of the eyelid, close to the eyelashes. The injections my doctor gave me were in the eyebrow area; I think it is just a common place for injections for people with blinking eyes. My hope is when I see him next week he will inject some right into the muscle that I can see pulling. MY QUESTION is can the injection be put directly into the muscle or do they have to find the nerve that feeds that muscle. Thanks in advance for any support.


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Re: Botox injection in a muscle?

Re : Botox injection in a muscle? --- todd
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Apr 20,2001,12:28 Top of Thread Archive
AFAIK all Botox injections are into muscle tissue, where the muscle is paralyzed until it regenerates. That, BTW, is why the shots are so painful: the swelling of the muscle as it is saturated with fluid.

By all means get your Doc to spend more time talking about what you are experienceing. They are generally negligent in this area.

--- Lynn

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