Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 20,2001,16:08   Archive
I saw the neuro today - he said the double vision (6 days), blurred vision (upclose - almost a month) were somewhat normal side effects of the injections. Perhaps they were a little longer than usual - yeah right! Double vision can ONLY be determined by looking out of both eyes - cannot be determined by covering up one as I believe was suggested on this bb.
He does not believe that the sinus had anything to do with botox - in fact he said it wasn't sinus - but dry nose and he suggested that, just because I had got sinus twice after injections (on the same day as injections in fact) that it was another condition and nothing to do with botox. He said IF IT WAS SINUS/DRY NOSE caused by botox it would occur 3-5 days after the injections. Apparently other patients (he's been in the business of botox injections for 15 years) had complained about sinus conditions as well. BUT research has not confirmed this!
He uses the correct gauge needle (30) - and the saline to be mixed with the botox is preservative free. He has not changed the amount of units given me the last 3 times (90 units) and has not changed the injection points - they seem to be all ok.
So, he just believes, I was unlucky this time with the side effects (yeah right again!). He took almost an hour talking to me about it all - and I believe perhaps I was just really `unlucky' this time. Perhaps my state of mind and body wasn't as good as it could be (as I've been working a lot on this Lynn Johnston medical research event on May 14th (1250 seats to sell! for our Dystonia support group) and the piggy-back Walk-a-Thon on June 2), and had that fall on the ice a couple of months ago. So I just have to go into the next set of injections with a more positive outlook. I'm going to check out yoga - never done it before but think it might be good for my mind-body-spirit connection.

Thanks for listening.

June in Toronto - who doesn't have sinus but dry nose - yeah right:-)

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