Neurological Disorders

Posted by colleen ® , Apr 26,2001,19:10   Archive
My grandaugther has talked to the Doctors at the medical school that she attends about( multipie)neurological disorders. Theytold her that it was unfortunote,butwas not unusual.She is also asking about beb.Does anyone have any disorders not related to dystonia?

Take Care

Colleen in IL

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Re: Neurological Disorders

Re : Neurological Disorders --- colleen
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Apr 27,2001,12:35 Top of Thread Archive
My Mother had Parkinson's disease, and I have a nephew with epilepsy. I have heard of people with Tourette's syndrome, although I'm not sure if anyone in this forum has it. All of these neurological, but none AFAIK are dystonias.

BEB, Hemifacial, and Meige are all, AFAIK, problems with the 7th cranial nerve, which controls facial muscular activity (smiling, swallowing, blinking, cross-eyes, etc.)

---- Lynn

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Seventh Cranial Nerve

Re : Re: Neurological Disorders --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Priscilla R ® , Apr 28,2001,08:02 Top of Thread Archive
Are the doctors doing research mainly dealing on with this nerve.
Just wondering since this is where the problem exists. Is the concentration on that nerve.

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Re: Seventh Cranial Nerve

Re : Seventh Cranial Nerve --- Priscilla R
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Apr 28,2001,19:09 Top of Thread Archive
I know there is a lot of work focussed on the 7th because it is the source of facial problems, which a lot of people are sensitive about, but there is also work going on w.r.t. others. At the Monterey conference last year, for example, there was a report of the discovery of a *direct* neural connection between the seat of the emotions in the brain and the tear ducts in the eyes. This explains why we get teary for ANY emotional situation, not only sadness. What remains to be explained is why we associate sadness with tears but think tears of joy or any other emotion are strange. Cultural anomaly, I guess.

--- Lynn

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Re: Seventh cranial nerve

Re : Re: Neurological Disorders --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Carol in Tucson ® (Carol Thoma,Carol in Tucson), Apr 29,2001,23:10 Top of Thread Archive
Lynn, do you know any good links on this topic? I had surgery for one crossed eye as a child. I also get occasional toothaches in undamaged teeth that I think are adjacent to that nerve, sometimes top, sometimes bottom, sometimes left, sometimes right, never any other teeth. Maybe I was predisposed to some sort of facial dystonia from birth, given the eye problem. On the other hand, I'm wondering if damage to that particular nerve can be caused by novocaine injections given by a dentist. Does anybody know anything about this topic? And does anyone else get these wandering, come-and-go toothaches?

Carol in Tucson

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Re: Seventh cranial nerve

Re : Re: Seventh cranial nerve --- Carol in Tucson
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Apr 30,2001,13:00 Top of Thread Archive
All I know about this is what I have been able to glean from my Drs., from the gray "Blepharo book", and, of course, from the experiences of affected relatives. There is a lot of info on the net: I learned to use search engines a long time ago and they are invaluable. Search for "bleparospasm" or "cranial nerve", for example, and you will have pointers to more stuff than you can digest.

I am not aware of any connection between the 7th cranial and teeth.

It seems only yesterday, although it started 40 years ago, that I spent enormous amounts of energy trying in vain to rationalize, justify, explain, cure, and/or understand this malady, all of which got me nowhere, and it pains me now to see others running around in panicky circles doing the same things. Acceptance is the final stage of grief, and the sooner we get there the easier our time is.

Finally in 1990 my pschoanalyst provided a medical diagnosis and introduced me to the concept of Botulinum toxin. IT WORKED! Now my life has added a new periodicity - the semiannual injections - but I do what I please and don't let it bother me. I am going on with my life.

--- Lynn

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Re: Seventh cranial nerve

Re : Re: Seventh cranial nerve --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by kathy ® , May 01,2001,05:38 Top of Thread Archive
lynn. one of my brothers was born with crossed yes and my son's left eye turned in sort of suddenly at 18 months. i am jealous that you only have to have these twice a year!!

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