Picture of Dr. Anderson and me

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 13,2001,19:59   Archive
Well, I'm going to try this one more time. This should be a picture of Dr. Anderson and me right after my bandages were removed. The other picture is of me in DR. A's waiting room with my bandages which were on for three days. The tape is clear and extends to my hairline in all directions and under and around my ears just leaving an opening for my nose and mouth. I had to do a little excavating to be able to smile and eat.

Shirley in AR.
PS-I renamed the file again and left out the "&" symbol.

It worked. Yippee!!!!

--modified by Shirley-Arkansas-USA at Sun, May 13, 2001, 20:01:27

Uploaded file
click to view DrA-SMB_-4-20-01-62.jpg  click to view X-SMB_before_bandages_rem-4-20-01-59x.JPG  

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