First injections after upper myectomy

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 25,2001,13:46   Archive
Hello friends,
I went to see my MDS Wednesday for my botox. I have not had any squeezing in my upper lids since my surgery. I can tell that I am having a little pulling down feeling in my forehead and my lower lids have been squeezing up. I talked with Dr.Perlmutter about the surgery and what muscles were removed. He was concerned about giving me any injections yet as I still have swelling from the surgery. The swelling would cause the botox to disperse differently and possibly into unwanted areas. Dr. Anderson had told me to wait at least 2 weeks. It had been five weeks since my surgery and 12 weeks since my last botox. Dr. Perlmutter agreed to inject in 6 locations (It had been 12-13). He was trying to stay away from the area that were swelling. I received two under each eye about an inch down and one an inch away from the outer corner of my eyes. He was concerned about giving me any in my forehead at this time due to the swelling. I'm sure that I will receive some there later. I received a total of 35 units combined. He gave me a higher concentration so that not as much solution would be injected thereby not allowing for much seepage into unwanted areas due to the swelling.

Now,What everybody wants to know- NO, it did not hurt anymore than normal. There were no injections near the surgery sites or in my upper lids as the muscle had been removed. The muscle will not grow back so it will not spasm there. Nerves will grow back but not the muscle.

One injection did smart on my cheek but that was because I started laughing when he injected me and that would be Virginias' fault. I was telling him that her doctor used 32 gauge Teflon coated needles. And his reply was "that would take all the fun out of it since you wouldn't even be able to feel the injections". I love a doctor with a sense of humor. Anyway, mustn't laugh when getting an injection in your upper cheek. So, thanks, Virginia.

All went well and I'm already not having as much squeezing in my lower lids. My brain is still telling my eyes to close, though. So, at 5 weeks post-op, I do still have an apraxia problem.

Any questions?

Shirley in AR.

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Re: First injections after upper myectomy

Re : First injections after upper myectomy --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Virginia ® , May 25,2001,17:44 Top of Thread Archive
Now Shirley, don't blame me - that's what you get for talking when he's trying to give you the injections.

I'm glad you feel things went well and that you can already tell that the botox is working in your lower lids.

I sometimes have that "pulling down feeling" in my forehead, too. I do get botox in my forehead between my eyebrows, but that's not where I feel the pulling. I'm going to ask the doctor about that. I guess he could give me botox up above where the muscles were removed - there's obviously some muscle left up there to do the pulling. It's above and about a half inch back from the inside edge of my eyebrows. I don't want to have to worry about ptosis again, so I may just have to live with it.

Virginia in AL, figured I'd better get that in while I was still around to defend myself.

--modified by Virginia at Fri, May 25, 2001, 17:46:59

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