what now????

Posted by pam bullock ® , May 31,2001,11:04   Archive
All of you have been so helpful and I need your help once again. My father has blepharospasm and we have had the shots, the slings ( the whole nine yards, it seems). Now he is having a terrible time breathing and today they ruled out spasmodic dysphonia. What in the world could this possibly be. Shortness of breath occurs during waking hours and when he goes to sleep at night, his breathing is perfect. We had the pulmonary work done and his lungs are fine. I did not know where to turn this time, because I have no clue! Please help!
Pam Bullock

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Re: what now????

Re : what now???? --- pam bullock
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 31,2001,11:37 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Pam,
Sorry to hear that your dad is having so much trouble. What did the pulmonary doctor suggest? There are so many things that could be going on. If it were me, I'd want a check up by an Internal Medicine Specialist and possibly a Cardiologist to rule out any heart problems. Another possibility is that it could be another form of dystonia. Some of the people on this board do have difficulty with breathing and shortness of breath. Maybe a diaphragmatic dystonia of some type. So much of this is all a puzzle. You might want to see a Neurologist specializing in movement disorders if you haven't already. Anxiety can also cause or be a trigger for the shortness of breath. Probably others will post that have this or a similar problem with their breathing.
There are many possibilities and I would think that your Pulmonary Specialist could point you in the right direction or at least give you some suggestions.


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Re: what now????

Re : what now???? --- pam bullock
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , May 31,2001,13:30 Top of Thread Archive
Pam, I have the breathing difficulties as well. Neuro says it's
diaphragmatic dystonia as I do not have spasmodic dysphonia either.I
was told on the spasmodic dysphonia board that something else could
also be going on in the throat area, i.e. pharyx. Shirley had some good comments. Meds have been the only way I get a bit of relief but not near as much as I'd like. It's not an easy battle but you will eventually help him find some relief. Got to keep plugging.
Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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