Blepharospasm Bulletin Board

Blepharospasm Chat
Posted by: Webmaster ®
11/23/2003, 21:37:48

It turns out that operating a non-java chat room such as the one we have been using is against the web host's rules. It also turns out that the high end java chat software the web host had available is no longer. So, we have to switch to the mid level software that they are currently supplying. The link to the new chat room is not in the navigation bar but under it as [BEB CHAT]. It is fairly intuitive. The meaning of an icon shows in the lower right corner of the window when you mouse over it. Don't forget to logout (icon of a person going through a door) when you wish to leave the chat room.

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat
Re: Blepharospasm Chat -- Webmaster Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Virginia in AL ®
11/26/2003, 07:54:19

IIRC I was not asked for a password when I logged in to the chat room. Does that mean that anyone can participate? Or has the software somehow remembered me? Since you are allowed to sign on as guest, it seems to me not to be password protected. I guess this is okay, I just wondered about it.

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat
Re: Re: Blepharospasm Chat -- Virginia in AL Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Webmaster ®
11/26/2003, 20:51:46

The new chat room is completely unregulated. The only reason the previous one required login was because it was driven by the same perl script as the BB. As I mentioned before, this mid range chat software is what is included with our web hosting package. If we want sophisticated software which allows registration and blocking of troublemakers, we would have to persuade the Foundation to ante up $595. I could not justify the request unless we had consistently high use and significant problems.

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat
Re: Re: Blepharospasm Chat -- Webmaster Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Virginia in AL ®
11/27/2003, 10:19:21

Thanks for the clarification. I figured that was the case and I do understand the rationale. Thanks again, Bob, for all you do for us.

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat/unable to go further than login
Re: Blepharospasm Chat -- Webmaster Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Kathy in Atlanta ®
11/26/2003, 08:47:57

I could not get past some icon after i clicked on BEB Chat. It said i had to set up a net account??? I don't know how to do this. Then i e-mailed Judy( our moderator) telling her i had problems and my e-mail to her was returned this morning as undeliverable.

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat/unable to go further than login
Re: Re: Blepharospasm Chat/unable to go further than login -- Kathy in Atlanta Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Moderator-JB ®
11/26/2003, 22:35:47

Sorry, my mailbox must have been too full.


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Re: Blepharospasm Chat/unable to go further than login
Re: Re: Blepharospasm Chat/unable to go further than login -- Moderator-JB Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Webmaster ®
11/27/2003, 20:25:15

Your mailbox is still reporting as full. Re your problem:

Try installing the java run-time environment rather than the Netscape plug-in (J2SE 1.4.2)

What O/S and version of Netscape are you using?

Modified by Webmaster at Thu, Nov 27, 2003, 21:00:27

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat/Moderator
Re: Blepharospasm Chat -- Webmaster Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Ann Doyle ®
11/27/2003, 16:52:17

My eyes are so bad right now. I could tell four icons in the bottome right but which one is check out--1,2,3, or 4? Ann Doyle

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Re: Blepharospasm Chat/Moderator
Re: Re: Blepharospasm Chat/Moderator -- Ann Doyle Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Webmaster ®
11/27/2003, 20:05:23

Furthest one to the right at bottom.

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