BB, Chat - what we do and why

Posted by Moderator-JB ® , Jun 07,2001,13:52   Archive
For those of you who are new:

Our bulletin board is periodically 'cleaned', which means that those subjects (threads) that do not pertain to BEB itself are deleted. This makes it easier to find answers without sorting through the many comments unrelated to BEB. When a thread is deleated, everything that was attached to it also goes away. This is in no way meant to exclude anyone's statement.

It's fun and supportive to be able to come to the board and chitchat about different things (chooks and such). Those items will not remain forever on the board. Too much info on the site itself makes for a long, laborious navigational time.

Chat Room: To use the chat room, simply click on that option in the upper right hand corner of this page and try it. Every so often I will set up a time for a chat (usually when I am cursing the world myself :) Anyone can set one up by posting a time, day, etc. (it's good to show the time zone differences)

We've got a good thing going here people. Can you imagine what it would be like NOT to have someone to talk to about this disorder?


--modified by Moderator-JB at Thu, Jun 07, 2001, 13:56:32

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