
Posted by Moderator-JB ® , Jun 07,2001,15:51   Archive
Ok folks, grab a cup of cyber coffee, pull up your chairs and gather round. We haven't talked about triggers for a while so ...


1. Moving air: air conditioner, heater, wind

2. Flourescent or Mercury Vapor lighting: makes my eyes feel like they've been flash burned from watching a welder's torch. Also has a tendancy to make them do a complete shutdown when in a grocery store or office surroundings for very long at a time.

3. Anything that comes quickly close to my head or across my line of vision.

4. Driving and to an extent riding in a car.

5. Loud noise (such as a train whistle)

6. Looking up or trying to maintain eye contact with someone.

7. Nervousness and tiredness exaggerate all of the above.


--modified by Moderator-JB at Thu, Jun 07, 2001, 15:54:16

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jun 07,2001,16:00 Top of Thread Archive
Judy ...


* Moving in and out of shadows (light & dark) as when travling by car.

* Deadlines ... Having a clock deadline absolutely panics me, so I
usualy try to "set my head" ahead enough to compensate.

* Fatigue.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Virginia ® , Jun 07,2001,16:35 Top of Thread Archive
I'm with you on the wind and fluorescent lighting.

Riding in a car (driving is easier)
Rainy days, high humidity
Running or walking fast - anything strenuous
Hurrying, being rushed (like Sally - trying to meet a deadline)
Looking into bright sunshine

At least those are the most common.

Virginia in AL

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 07,2001,16:50 Top of Thread Archive
I've got my caffeine-free DrPepper instead of the cyber coffee.

My triggers at this point are:

1. My parents( the thought of going to visit them will shut my eyes down.) most of the time that I am around them, my eyes are completely closed. My father is a non-stop talker which also has a little to do with it.

2. Overhead directed lighting-those little spotlights.

3. Anytime, someone is talking to me, the longer their conversation goes on the more I shut down. This is better since my surgery.

4. Being tired

5. Any form of stress

6. My husband talking loudly (he doesn't have to be mad or anything, he just sometimes talks loudly) loud music that I enjoy does not bother me.

7. Certain stores use to bother me with their lighting but my darkest pair of FL-41 tinted glasses took care of that.

8. Cloudy, rainy days

9. Watching TV, reading

Actually, all are better since my myectomy, although, my eyes will still shut down, it is not nearly as severe.
I still do best when I am at home alone.

Shirley in AR.

--modified by Shirley-Arkansas-USA at Thu, Jun 07, 2001, 17:05:51

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by colleen ® , Jun 07,2001,18:53 Top of Thread Archive
Lighting of any kind doesnot bother me
Any kind of stress.
Getting tierd.
Walking very far if i carry anything.
My husband when he is in a bad mood.He tries to stay calm, but somethimes slips up.
Colleen in IL

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- colleen
Posted by Shelley Chambers ® , Jun 07,2001,22:31 Top of Thread Archive
This is very interesting to me. I have some of the same triggers you all do; however, I also have symptom free days. And a lot of you mentioned people like your husbands. Well, my husband is my biggest support but he is also my biggest stressor. It's a dual-edged sword, so to speak. Fatigue is an issue, because teaching is tiring and stressful. But mostly I think it's my husband.

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by marie berger ® , Jun 08,2001,05:47 Top of Thread Archive
Judy, I share all of yours except for the moving air/wind, etc.
I can feel fine at home (comfortable??) and then go out in the car and immediately clam shut. But the Florida sun is very strong and bright and it does take some adjusting to.

Marie in the Sunshine State

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Jun 08,2001,11:21 Top of Thread Archive
There are two main factors for me that I think I have figured out--
My emotional and physical state--meds and botox. A few of my close friends who have been observing me for some time now indicate when
something is bothering me, I am worse. And the worst isn't necessarily
when I am feeling it. It can happen a day or a few days later!!
There is also a general improvement following botox injections.

Full florescent lighting is unbearable at any time. The lower lighting
in some of the supermarkets now is workable with Fl41s at 85%.
Other lighting is questionable. Daylight requires FL41s at 85% and
a pair of wraparound glasses with them.

Also relating to emotional is having anything or anyone drain me.
I can give only so much and it seems that I have less to give and a
bit less patience than before the illness so everyone around me is having to get used to a new me so to speak. Stress ties in with
that as well.

Getting on my pitty pot and being negative.

Like Shirley, watching TV and reading can be a problem.

Walking can set me off. Yet when I am dancing, I am usually ok.

When I recently walked into a gambling casino with me folks, my system
went nuts. Clanging from machines, blinking lights, noise, smoke
caused almost total shutdown with eyes and breathing. I physically
had to get out of there.

Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Joanne Matuzas
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 08,2001,16:00 Top of Thread Archive
during the period my injections are kicking in and my eyes are fluctuating, almost anything can upset them, After that, probably all of the above also if i do it too long. Also i have to limit myself on the computer because extended time on that is really hard on them, including affecting the next day.
one thing that has changed for the better is that with the Celebrex m y eyes are no more at their worst consistently on rainy days. Now really bright clear days are often the worst, to my puzzlement.

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Joanne Matuzas
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 08,2001,16:00 Top of Thread Archive
during the period my injections are kicking in and my eyes are fluctuating, almost anything can upset them, After that, probably all of the above also if i do it too long. Also i have to limit myself on the computer because extended time on that is really hard on them, including affecting the next day.
one thing that has changed for the better is that with the Celebrex m y eyes are no more at their worst consistently on rainy days. Now really bright clear days are often the worst, to my puzzlement.

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Jun 08,2001,14:43 Top of Thread Archive
My triggers are the same as most of you.

1. Sunlight

2. Driving more so than riding but being a passenger bothers me as well

3. Reading

4. Computer usage

5. Wind, rain, cold

6. Quick movement (when my girls were younger and they would splash in the bathtub in would send me into a tailspin)

7. Fatigue/lack of sleep (when my daughter was sick, I was up 7 times in one night and the pedi asked me what was wrong with my eyes)

8. Stress of any kind

9. Maintaining eye contact

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Triggers --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jun 08,2001,15:42 Top of Thread Archive
Another situation that sets my spasms off is being in an open space, such as a large room, a parking lot, or yard. I seem to lose my sense of balance and direction, and my eyes clamp tightly closed. I need to have something to touch, preferably to trail my fingers along.

Sally in North Idaho who just sought out the manager of the Safeway where I shop and commended his chain for voluntarily turning down the lights in order to conserve energy. It is still plenty bright in the stores, but a bit easier to endure when shopping. He was very pleasant and appreciated my comments.

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 08,2001,16:04 Top of Thread Archive
also extreme temperature changes within one or a few days.

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- kathy
Posted by colleen ® , Jun 08,2001,19:52 Top of Thread Archive
My husband & I did a test on music. when he plays something that gets on my nerves my eyes will shut turns it off they open turn it back on they close.It is so weird that we really get a laugh out of it.Another trigger is certian odors like a feed store
Colleen in IL

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Re: Changing Triggers

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- colleen
Posted by Mindy ® , Jun 08,2001,20:14 Top of Thread Archive
Home Depot was the worst for me. I couldn't figure
out if it was the lighting, the loud noises, or
the smells from the paints, and garden supplies.
At one time or another I can remember all the mentioned
triggers. I played my own head games. I would go places spontaneously
so I wouldn't have time to get nervous remembering how I reacted
the previous time. I think that was part of what helped me.

Has anyone else experienced what used to trigger you off, does not affect you any longer?
Mindy in NY

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- colleen
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 08,2001,20:32 Top of Thread Archive
Colleen, Same here with the music. If it is something that I like, it doesn't bother my eyes one way or the other but if it is music that I don't care for, it quickly starts to annoy me and my eyes close down. In fact, loud noises or anybody talking loudly, especially if they appear annoyed or upset will shut me down quickly, too.

Best Buy used to shut me down along with Mindy's Home Depot. It must have been the lighting because I no longer have a problem in any of the stores like that as long as I wear my darkest pair of FL-41 tinted glasses.

Shirley in AR.

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Re : Re: Another Trigger --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Andrew Karter ® (andrew karter,Andrew Karter), Jun 10,2001,11:01 Top of Thread Archive
For me, it seems that if I am having a good eye day, I do OK with the most intense triggers....but if I am having a bad eye day, its almost as if I am locked in to an over-reaction to triggers. The worst for me is moving lights, especially fluorescent, or me walking under those lights. The worst I can remember is having to run in the airport to catch a plane, getting on one of those walkways....lights flashing by...I was almost totally blinded. Also we have these conference rooms that have one whole wall that is window, and the other 3 walls have no window. The room is relatively dark except for the bright window. Sitting their in meetings is bad news unless I have my back to the window. Meeting new people, stressful meetings, being tired and stressed, those will do it as well. Luckily the computer is relatively easy on my eyes. I just got FL41s and found them very restful for my eyes. However they were 40% tint and they were a bit too dark for my office (I found myself taking them off to see things in the darker corners of my office). I have removed the fluorescent light from right over my desk, so I have only one light and it is relatively dark. Knighten Optics was kind enough to take them back and is re-tinting them to 35%. is interesting to see that most of our triggers are related. It makes me think that we have a common medical cause of BEB/Meige, rather than lots of different medical causes for the same symptom.

Hope to meet you all at the conference in August (I plan to go)

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Re: Triggers

Re : Triggers --- Andrew Karter
Posted by Shelley Chambers ® , Jun 10,2001,17:58 Top of Thread Archive
My triggers all seem to be stress related. Driving makes my anxious, so I get worse then. Sometimes I am sensitive to sunlight, sometimes not. I still listen to loud music (throw-back from the 60's that I am). I work under fluorescent lights all the time. Certain people can be a trigger. Does that happen to anyone else?

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Shelley Chambers
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jun 10,2001,20:23 Top of Thread Archive
Stress ... definitely

Sunlight ... always

Certain people ... YES!!

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Shelley Chambers
Posted by Mindy ® , Jun 10,2001,20:58 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shelley,
Yes, sometimes sensitive to sunlight, sometimes not.
Yes to certain people.
Stress - absolutely.
Mindy in NY

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Re: Triggers

Re : Re: Triggers --- Mindy
Posted by Margo Morris ® , Jun 10,2001,22:24 Top of Thread Archive
I am sensitive to light also and stressful situations and other things that have been mentioned. I started taking B-150 Complex vitamins about 5 days ago and I've noticed that I have less stress and anxiety. I read about that from someone on the BB. When I drove to Oxnard yesterday, about 2 hours each way, I noticed I felt a lot more calm and driving was easier. I also like to sing or hum when I'm driving and that helps a lot too. I think there is something good about taking the B vitamins. I will continue to take them. Margo

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Re: Margo

Re : Re: Triggers --- Margo Morris
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 12,2001,11:44 Top of Thread Archive
i posted that and swear by them. they really work, don't they? a couple of days ago i forced one down my boyfriend's throat after he had a run in with a road rage person. and he definitely seemed calmer the next day, although he will not admit it.

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Re: conference

Re : Triggers --- Andrew Karter
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 10,2001,18:24 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Andy,
I'm always trying to find a place that I can have my back to the windows or bright lighting. I also don't have much of a problem with the computer.
My husband and son and I will be attending the conference. We'll have to figure out some way to designate ourselves as BB people. I made a spectacle of myself first thing last year so people were able to find me.
Maybe we could all wear cowboy boots. :-)

Shirley in AR.

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Re: conference

Re : Re: conference --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 12,2001,11:46 Top of Thread Archive
yeah, maybe some Tony Llamas in red or purple ostrich.

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 12,2001,11:38 Top of Thread Archive
how about sitting next to a man on a sofa or anywhere and give him the t.v. flipper. i feel like my eyes are going into fast forward and the tape starts to unravel.

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Mindy ® , Jun 08,2001,20:18 Top of Thread Archive
When you are in a large area and can't open your eyes
and walk, try walking backwards. You won't get far,
but it will help with your balance and direction.
Mindy in NY

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Re: Another Trigger

Re : Re: Another Trigger --- Mindy
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jun 09,2001,13:43 Top of Thread Archive
THanks, Mindy. I'll try that. I always try to grab a cart from a parking lot to help guide my way into a store. If I have something to hang onto, I do okay.

Sally in North Idaho

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