Virginia Hill's Myectomy

Posted by Alan Phair ® , Jun 13,2001,15:34   Archive
I got a phone call today from Virginia Hill informing me that she was leaving tomorrow for Salt Lake City. She is scheduled to have the operation done on next Tuesday the 19th. If you can believe it, she still does not have a final answer from her insurance company. The latest correspondence from them was this morning and they told her that they thought the operation was cosmetic but that they would send it out for another opinion.

She is at the point where she is going to get this thing done anyway but she sure could use our prayers not only that the operation goes well but that the insurance Company changes their mind also. If you remember, she has Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey. Boy, talk about a bummer.

She seems to have a positive attitude which is good and I know that things will work out for the best for her....Alan

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Re: Virginia Hill's Myectomy

Re : Virginia Hill's Myectomy --- Alan Phair
Posted by M Chiasson ® , Jun 14,2001,00:20 Top of Thread Archive

Thank you for Virginia's situation. Can you bring us up to date. Having gone through a quite successful Upper Myectomy from hanging onto the wall to go to the bathroom to driving my car for the past three days in the city of Halifax for the past three days, I can assure you that the operation is not a cosmetic one even though it may help patients in that departmentas a result of the operation. My 1998 operation did not do me any good in the way, however,remember what they had to work (Ha.)

Let us know if we can help by writing to her insurance company. Send me a response on the BB and to my individual address in case I forget to check.

Marcellin Chiasson

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Re: Virginia Hill's Myectomy

Re : Virginia Hill's Myectomy --- Alan Phair
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 14,2001,14:35 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Alan,
Please let us know how it all goes. You can give her my e-mail if she would like to talk to someone else about the surgery when she gets back home. I'll be thinking of her and wishing her good thoughts. I really think with the proper information (letters) from her doctor or information from the BEBRF that the insurance will come through. She might have a problem that she didn't have pre-authorization, but she did try. The insurance won't have to pay for the cosmetic part-just the functional part. She may need to talk to the medical director of the Ins. Co. that some one else has suggested. Have her previous doctors suggested the surgery for functional reasons and explained why she needs the surgery?

I hope you told her to take those gel paks and gave her proper instruction. We need to come up with a list of things to take or to have on hand when and if people do elect to have surgery for this.

Thanks for keeping us posted, Alan.

Shirley in AR. where the humidity is in the 90's-ugh

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Re: Virginia Hill's Myectomy

Re : Virginia Hill's Myectomy --- Alan Phair
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Jun 14,2001,14:36 Top of Thread Archive
Alan, thanks for posting about Virginia. Please tell her my prayers are with her for a very successful, fully-paid for operation. She has enough to deal with right now without all this insurance balony!

June in Toronto

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