Thank you, angels

Posted by Geri Arts ® , Jun 15,2001,15:09   Archive
How happy I was to log on and find several messages regarding my baby sister's blepharospasm. Especially the immediate response from moderator Judy. Thanks, Judy! And Shirley in Arkansas. Bless you for your interest and lengthy reply. There truly is a sister-hood of support on this web-site. My sister and I usually talk and laugh on the phone on week-ends(we're long distance) and last week-end, she had curled up in pain and disappointment after her horrendous experience with the doctor who administered all those injections. (from 2 to 8) Not to bash doctors, but he left her in the room to clean up her bloody injection sites while he merrily communicated with other patients.

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Re: Thank you, angels

Re : Thank you, angels --- Geri Arts
Posted by Moderator-JB ® , Jun 16,2001,13:58 Top of Thread Archive

That's what we're here for.

As to doctor bashing, I'm certain we could ALL tell you stories. I've a scenario of a certain neurologist treating me as if I was a child and slowly stating as he wrote it down on my chart.....'patient is concerned'. Damn right I was concerned! My right hand had been doing a Dystonic dance for 2 hours and I could not get it to stop. I rather imagine anyone would have been 'concerned'.

Needless to say, I did not darken his doorstep again.


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Re: Thank you, angels

Re : Thank you, angels --- Geri Arts
Posted by Priscilla R ® , Jun 16,2001,20:59 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Geri
I feel bad for your sister. I to had a horrendous doctor who
let me leave the room after an injection and I went out into the waiting room with blood on my forehead. The receptionist was very nice and immediately took a kleenex and told me about the blood.
After that experience I went into a bathroom and started to cry.
This was the beginning of having blepharospasm. I no longer go to that Doctor. Anyone who is in Dallas should not even go to him. He was very insensitive and wouldn't answer any of my questions.
I now have a wonderful doctor who is so careful not to hurt me when he gives me injections.
Tell her to keep looking and she will find one who will care and help her out.
My best to both of you.

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