Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Posted by barbara h ® , Jun 17,2001,20:01   Archive
Has anyone been treated successfully on LI or in NYC with Botox, and if so by what doctor?
On the flip side has anyone run into any doctors in this area that they wish they hadn't?
I have just started to see Dr. Halperin at North Shore University Hospital. I would love to know if anyone has had success with him.
Thanks very much.

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- barbara h
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 17,2001,20:29 Top of Thread Archive
I've heard good things about Dr. Susan Bressman at Beth Israel Medical Center in NYC. She is a neurologist and will be speaking at the Blepharospasm conference this August in Scottsdale. AZ. I don't know her personally-have just heard of her through a person on this bulletin board.

If you have not done so already, contact the BEBRF (you can find their address in the "Welcome to Newcomers" at the top of the bb page) and they can give you a list of doctors in your area that are knowledgable about Blepharospasm It is important that you see someone that is familiar with the disorder.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by barbara h ® , Jun 17,2001,21:00 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks again Shirley. My symptons started after coronary angioplasty,
and being prescribed Lipitor and Toprol. I guess I'm looking for a culprit. It all started so simply, with what I thought was eye strain from computer overload at work. That was in January. After visits to many different doctors, I'm now scheduled to take an EMG test on Tuesday to eliminate myasthenia gravis, before beginning Botox.
Does anyone ever get better?

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- barbara h
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jun 17,2001,21:42 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Barbara, There is like a 5 - 10% remission rate and some people do get better but still have symptoms. Others are well controlled with Botox. There are also some medications that are available that help with some of the symptoms. Researchers do not know what causes Blepharospasm but do feel that it has to do with the 7th cranial nerve and the basal ganglia of the brain. Many times a period of stress seems to trigger the symptoms. And definitely stress makes the symptoms worse.
I also saw many doctors but was luckier than most in that I was diagnosed fairly quickly. I pushed and read and researched as much as I could. The information on this web site, especially in the BEBRF Main Pages (located at the top of the page) was very helpful.

I originally thought that my symptoms were coming from my contact lens so I stopped wearing them. I started out with very mild symptoms lasting a few months of eye irritation and light sensitivity and eyes just wanting to close. Over a period of another 3 months, my eyes started squeezing closed and lights were unbearable. I was no longer able to drive or watch TV or read. I was a school nurse and barely made it through till the end of the school year. I was unable to go back to work.

Everyone is a little different and degree of symptoms vary. I'm 49 and my symptoms started at age 47. The botox didn't work real well for me as I had an apraxia problem, also. So, even if the squeezing was stopped by the botox, I still couldn't get my eyes to open. I recently had surgery done-an upper limited myectomy where they strip out muscles in your upper lid area. It is not a cure but a form of treatment. I wouldn't recommend it unless all other options fail. It is permanent and I still have Blepharospasm and will still have to get botox in my lower lids and possibly forehead.

Barbara, a few do get better but most do not. It is a chronic disorder. I'm sorry that this may be a possible diagnosis for you.

What are your symptoms?

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- barbara h
Posted by michele ® , Jun 23,2001,18:14 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Barbara:
I don't usually post, however I do read the Board from time to time. I live on the South Shore of LI. Have been to a few neurologist/ophthal in the area. I'm now seeing Dr. David Schlessinger who is an ophthal/neuro in Hauppauge. Will have surgery in the near future. Sorry don't know any doctors on the North Shore.
Any questions, please feel free to email

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- barbara h
Posted by Mindy ® , Jun 23,2001,22:32 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Barbara,
I see Dr.Susan Bressman at the Beth Israel Medical
Center in Manhattan.
Dr. John Rogers is there also.
Both are excellent movement disorder specialists.
You can contact the BEBRF for names of other doctors
in your area.
Best wishes,
Mindy in NY

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- Mindy
Posted by Valarie G. ® , Jun 24,2001,07:09 Top of Thread Archive
Have you ever seen Dr. Jankovic in Houston? Hugs, Valarie

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Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area

Re : Re: Botox on Long Island / NYC Area --- Valarie G.
Posted by Mindy ® , Jun 24,2001,20:43 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Valarie,
Dr.Bressman is the only BEB dr. I have gone to.
Virginia told me today that she goes to Dr. Rogers,
whom I mentioned earlier, and is very happy with him.
Best Wishes,
Mindy in NY

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