Looking for someone who can speak Korean

Posted by JongWeon Choi ® , Jun 23,2001,03:37   Archive
My name is JongWeon Choi(Nick name:John Choi) in South Korea.
My father has been suffered form Blepharospasm for 15years. And he(My father) has been injected Botox for 5years.

Here, I am looking for some one who can speak Korean to communicate easily.

My father's details are as follow;
1.Age: 71years old
-Trembling on eyelids
-Hard to open eyes
3.For Botox
-First injection was on July, 1996.
-From that day, he has been injected Botox for every 3-4months.
-But as times go by, the effect of Botox has reduced and now the effect was decreased to 20%(If we suggest the effect of first Botox was 100%, now it is 20%)

For the above matters, I would like ask you for followings.
-If there is another medicine to solve this immunity problem to Botox.
-I have heard about "Myobloc". Is it can be used to our father to solve immunity problem to Botox
-I have heard about Botulinum toxin A & B. What is the difference between A & B

English, especially for medical language is hard to me.
If there is someone who can speck Korean, please help me.

Waiting kind attention...

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