
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jun 23,2001,17:02   Archive
I,too, have a real itchy nose & do a lot of sneezing.
Also, I often have an itchy feeling on one side of my head, feels like something crawling around on my head. Has anyone else had that happen?

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Re: Sneezing

Re : Sneezing --- Joann Humphrey
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jun 23,2001,23:50 Top of Thread Archive
I've had that crawling sensation, don't know what it is. But it takes me back to the days of being a school secretary during outbreaks of lice!!! Those were the good old days.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: crawling sensation

Re : Re: Sneezing --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jun 24,2001,09:44 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Sally. I wondered if it might be a related symptom. Joann

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Re: Sneezing

Re : Sneezing --- Joann Humphrey
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 25,2001,15:34 Top of Thread Archive
does this also happen to you as your botox starts to take effect? it happens to me every time.

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Re: Sneezing

Re : Re: Sneezing --- kathy
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jun 25,2001,16:08 Top of Thread Archive
My nose really itches or tickles causing sneezing. I hadn't associated it with botox but maybe there is a connection. I'll pay more attention to the time after my next injections.

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Re: Sneezing

Re : Re: Sneezing --- kathy
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jun 25,2001,23:19 Top of Thread Archive
I hadn't associated the sneezing with the botox, but will pay attention to the timing after my next injections which will be July 10.

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Re: Sneezing

Re : Re: Sneezing --- Joann Humphrey
Posted by kathy ® , Jun 27,2001,12:56 Top of Thread Archive

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