for Judi in NC

Posted by pam bullock ® , Jun 24,2001,19:39   Archive
Who gives you your injections for the blepharospasm and torticollis? Are the shots given at the same time. I am also from NC looking for help for my father. Anything you can tell me about your treatment of both these horrible things will be much appreciated. My father is pretty depressed at this point. We took him to the emergency room at Duke a couple of weeks ago and saw Dr. Scott. He would not give the injections to help his breathing (I guess the torticollis is causing this) because he had just had injections for the blepharospasm the first week in May. He said that Daddy might be in danger of building up an immunity to the Botox. I just did not understand that at all. So we don't go back to Duke until July 11 and this is also pretty depressing because the botox for his eyes is wearing off and the breathing is awful. HELP!!!

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