Sleep Masks vs Sweat Bands

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 06,2001,13:43   Archive
I've got three different kinds of sleep masks. Two are reversible with one side being satin and the other side being either quilted material or a soft velvety material. The other sleep mask was quite expensive and is very soft and keeps out all the light and air but I can't stand the heaviness of it or the Velcro closure that goes across the back (not to mention the fact that it looks like a miniature bra).

Anyway with my eyes tearing all the time, they just aren't very absorbent or comfortable or don't keep the air out (ceiling fan has to be going all the time). I don't really have a problem with dry eyes but I don't believe that my eyes always close completely since my surgery so I'm trying to do preventative things.

I got frustrated the other night with trying to get one of the dang things to fit and work like I wanted it to and finally gave up. I went into the bathroom and washed my face again and wiped the tears away and happened to see my freshly laundered sweat band laying on the counter. It was late and I was mad so I grabbed it and went to bed. Slipped it over my head and eyes and would you believe, it felt great. It fit snuggly and kept my eyes completely closed and soaked up all those salty irritating tears. I have found a new sleep mask. It was just stretched out enough to still be snug but not too tight. I've bought two more. Hubby thinks that I am strange-so what's new?

Sweat bands are soft and made of absorbent cotton, cheap and can be found in the sporting goods department of department stores and good ole Wal-Mart type stores. They are a little over an inch wide and stretchy. If you are having difficulty controlling your sleep mask and would on occasion love to rip it to shreds try a sweat band (head band). You men might like them. Get one with a Nike symbol and you will not be emasculated with a satin mask.

Shirley in AR.

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