I did it again

Posted by Alan Phair ® , Jul 06,2001,20:22   Archive
Can you believe it. I did it again. This afternoon, I fell (walked) into the deep end of my swimming pool with my cloths on. Make that with glasses, shoes, hat and rest of clothes. I did the same thing last year when my eyes closed on me and I thought that It would never happen again as I try to be extra carefull around it.

It was kind of funny because my grandkids were in the shallow end and my six year old granddaughter who just learned how to swim came out after me thinking that I was going to drown and she said she was going to save me.

Actually, it felt kind of good because it was a little cool and breezy out and the pool was a hot 86 degrees. To think that I gave my wife heck for leaving the heater on all day yesterday. It was more like bath water but that is how the kids like it.

I must hold the record for these type of accidents by now and it is not one I am proud of.....Alan

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Re: I did it again

Re : I did it again --- Alan Phair
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 06,2001,20:45 Top of Thread Archive
But we love it, Alan. Your falling into the pool is a wonderfully creative thing to do during the hot summer months. Now, falling off the ladder is strictly a no-no and should not be repeated, but the pool thing is a real hoot.

Better your record of falling into any and all types of contained water sources than my record of deletions. ;-)

Gotta love ya,

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Re: I did it again

Re : I did it again --- Alan Phair
Posted by Billie Lowe ® (billie lowe,Billie Lowe), Jul 06,2001,22:01 Top of Thread Archive
Alan I'm glad you weren't hurt falling into your pool. It was funny though. I told a friend who was wondering if I should be mowing the yard when I couldn't see very well, that it worked out pretty well, the back yard is fenced and I just mow until I run into the fence and then turn around and go back. It really isn't that bad, but sometimes on bad eye days it's close. Aren't you glad you have a sense of humor?
Billie in Kansas where it was really hot & humid today

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Re: I did it again

Re : Re: I did it again --- Billie Lowe
Posted by Alan Phair ® , Jul 07,2001,08:09 Top of Thread Archive
Billie, funny you should mention the lawn mower. My house sits atop a large incline and the front lawn is very sloped. the back has two levels. When I built my waterfall and walls in the back, I did not provide enough access for the lawn mowing people to get their big mowers up there so I have to do it. Everytime I bring the darn thing out, I am aftraid that I am either going to drive it into the pool or worse yet, into my fish pond. I have come close a few times, once I actually had the front wheels over the edge which stopped me.

I hate having other people do things for me and I had intended to do my own entire lawn originally when we built this house a few years ago. The day I was going to go out and buy a gib wide ride a mower, there was an article in the paper about a person using one on a steep slope like mine and the mower tipped over and killed him. That took care of that. I could just picture myself tumbling down the hill with the blades slicing me up. I gave up on that idea real quick.
Your fence must be getting pretty banged up by now but it is a benchmark for you when you are mowing....Alan in NH where I am building another wall, this time with access for a mower to get up top.

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Re: I did it again

Re : I did it again --- Alan Phair
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Jul 07,2001,17:48 Top of Thread Archive
Alan you are so sweet and brave to share your mishaps with us. I'm glad you are ok and PLEASEeeeeeeeeeee..........don't mow the yard! The fish and your friends want you to stay away from slops and mowers. And watch out for those walls you are building and don't step off one of those. I stay bruised all over from running into "stuff", but I don't have a pool or pond.

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Re: I did it again

Re : I did it again --- Alan Phair
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jul 07,2001,19:19 Top of Thread Archive
Alan, much better a warm splash in the pool than a loud splop on the floor from the ladder!! Maybe you need to build a waist-high enclosure right around the edge of that pool so that you know when you are getting too close.

I've never understood those who want to swim in 86degree pools or hot tubs ... why not just take a bath? I like cool water that is refreshing and soothing from the hot sun.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: I did it again

Re : I did it again --- Alan Phair
Posted by M Chiasson ® , Jul 08,2001,21:14 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks for sharing your story and keeping your sense of humour.

After my '95 hrart attack, I developed a walking/running routine in my subdivision. Then in 1996, I developed full Blown Blepharospasm. Bythis time, I knew the streets very well i.e. where the man hole covers were, bumps in pavement, etc. One day after my usual warm up, I started my run on this very familiar street. I swear I forced open my eyes to check the street however, half way up the street while running at top speed, I suddenly became airborne and landed on a windshield. From there, I slid down onto the hood of a car and kept sliding until I ended up on my bum on the pavement.I HAD HIT INTO AN EMPTY PARKED CAR!!!!
1. I jumped up to see if I had done any damage to the car. No damage....Ah, good.
2. I started to look around to see if there were people who might have been looking out their window and would have seen me. No one looking....Ah, good again
3. Put myself in high gear and unlike other times, did not slow down to a walk to cool down. This time, I ran all the way home and being still embarassed, ran into the house and closed the door. Home safe and sound.

When I told the story to my doctor the next day, he kept apologizing but could not stop laughing. After he told me that he was glad that I diddid not break a leg when I hit the car bumper, he said he had this mental picture of me hitting the bumper of the car and then making a summersalt landing on the windshield of the car. He figured that if he had been there with his video camera, he could have made $ 10,000 on "America's Funniest Home Videos". It took about a month for the bruises to leave my shins. The successful Myectomy operation keeps my eyes open now so I don't have to work about that, thank God. Ha.
Marcellin Chiasson, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: I did it again Alan on Video

Re : Re: I did it again --- M Chiasson
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Jul 08,2001,21:31 Top of Thread Archive
What a great story. Maybe we could have Alan do a re-enactment of the walking into the pool and get it on video. I'm sure that would be worth some attention on America's Funniest Home Videos....especially the part where the young grandchildren rescue him. I don't think it would be safe for you to duplicate your car scene without a body double stuntman.

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Re: I did it again

Re : Re: I did it again --- M Chiasson
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 08,2001,22:28 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Marcellin,
Good to hear from you again and thanks for sharing your story with us. We have to laugh at ourselves (later, after it is over). I loved Billie's story, too, about mowing her grass until she hits the fence. I'm glad that we can have a sense of humor with this.

I'm glad to hear that your eyes are still doing well. I recently had an upper myectomy, also, and it seems to be helping me. I'm glad that I had it done.

Let us hear from you more often. I've missed you.

Shirley in AR.

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