Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 18,2001,21:30   Archive
Hey Lyn, Did you fall off the planet, down there in Aussie land? Haven't heard from you in a while and have been wondering how you are doing. I miss you posting. Did you ever get anything from Allergan in writing?
I know that your last injections didn't help you and I hope that you are doing ok. Check in when you can.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Jul 18,2001,22:24 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley

Know it has been a while - I was waiting until I had some POSITIVE news to impart. Alas, the news at the moment is not good. I feel I am banging my head against a brick wall trying to get people to answer my emails!!

When last I posted I think I mentioned that Botox is definitely free of cost for BEB in Australia. HOWEVER, and this is what is making me very angry, there is nothing to stop the doctor charging what he likes for his services in administering the Botox. Over the East, at least with the people I have spoken to, they are lucky enough to have found doctors who are prepared to accept what the Government considers a standard fee for consultation and procedure of administering the Botox. So they pay nothing. On my accounts from the previous doctor, there were two charges: a consultation fee and a Botox fee. As this doctor was ALWAYS GOING OUT OF HIS WAY to tell me how expensive the Botox was, I assumed this was a charge for the Botox. However, I went into the Medicare office last week and found out it was a medical procedure fee. So, for a 5-7 minutes "visit" at the clinic, I was being charged for a consultation AND a procedure fee.

There IS NO CONSULTATION as far as I am concerned - that took place 10 years ago. This doctor is adding on two extra charges over and above what he receives from the Government (as my husband is an aged pensioner, I also get the pension even though I am not old enough).Most General Practitioners and even some specialists usually "bulk bill" pensioners which means the Government picks up the tab and the pensioner pays nothing. As you would be aware, most BEB sufferers are not young and in the case of the clinic I attended, I was by far the youngest - I would say almost all of those people I saw there would be of pension age. What a rip off - these elderly people are paying through the nose when in other parts of the country people don't pay anything.

It is quite legal for doctors to charge what they like. Most people shop around for a doctor, but in my case, I always believed he was the only one using Botox and never dreamt of questioning the fee. This $50+ I pay every 8 weeks or so is going straight into his pocket. I would not mind if it was a one-off- but this is a life-time repeat performance.

This has made me so angry that when I get my own situation sorted, I am going to try and publicize this situation and see if I can at least alert all his other patients to alternatives.

Now, to the Cosmetic Surgeon. HE RAN A MILE once he knew he would have to use FRESH Botox. I sent him all the info you provided as well as the Australian bit I got from Allergan. He didn't even have the courtesy to reply to my letter himself, it was signed by his Practice Manager - (up market receptionist). I really blame my GP friend for sending me to a friend of his who had not treated BEB before and how could he , being a Cosmetic Surgeon.

So I then decided to try and find a list of doctors here who use Botox.
I emailed Allergan again to ask if he would let me have a list of the doctors using Botox though I am sure it would be against company policy to reveal it. A few days now and NO REPLY. At the same time I emailed the AMA (Australian Medical Assoc) with the same question - again, NO REPLY.


I am seeing my GP friend tomorrow and shall dump the whole thing in his lap. I am hopeful that Allergan will tell him who is using the Botox over here whereas they probably won't tell me. Whether or not any of the doctors using it , and I do not think there will be many, will "bulk bill" is another question and I may have no choice but to pay.

You asked for it - sorry it is so lengthy - but it is so annoying not receiving a reply to an email. Forgot to mention, at the beginning when I was trying to find out the cost of the actual Botox I sent 2 emails to the Health Insurance Commission - no reply - so I sent one threatening them with great embarrassment all round if they did not reply and that one drew an answer. I also sent one to my Federal Member of Parliament - explaining my problem and complaining about lack of responses to my emails - she didn't take the hint as she has not replied either. With a Federal Election later this year - how short-sighted can one get ???Do you have this trouble in US or do companies and the Govt. etc reply promptly?

Lyn still waiting

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Jul 19,2001,00:02 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lyn,

We have those problems in the U.S., too, so you're not alone in your frustrations. Sounds like you are on top of the situation, though, and rattling some cages. Keep at it!! Someone needs to shake up the bureaucrats and fat cats.

Sally in chilly North Idaho

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Jenny Mancer ® (jenny,Jenny Mancer), Jul 19,2001,00:11 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lyn. It seems that you are really having hassles over there.
Botox is also free in nz. Last time I went to have the injections I told the Dr. that it was a long time coming and he told me that it wasn't much use me keeping on coming if they weren't going to work, he didn't suggest anything else.
Have you tried ringing the neurologist department or the neurophysiologist department at the Freemantle Hospital. I had such a good result from over there. I'll have to get on to my mum again to ask her dr, who it was that did them.
Hope you are well and happy.
Jenny Mancer

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Jul 19,2001,07:52 Top of Thread Archive
LYn, Would it help to write a letter to the newspaper or call someone from the local TV to get public attention? Ann Doyle

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jul 19,2001,10:20 Top of Thread Archive
Letter to the editor of a newspaper is a good suggestion. I had a problem with a photographer not sending me either pictures or a refund; so I said I was going to write to their newspaper with my complaint. I got my refund quickly. Good luck. Joann

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 19,2001,14:02 Top of Thread Archive
We definitely have our problems here, also. Government is notoriously slow unless someone important is watching or if they think that their names might get muddied in the press.
Looks like you've opened up a can of worms. My latest neurologist that I have been using for over a year now charged a one time "new patient-consultation fee" of about $250.00. Then a $500.00 charge for the botox and $400.00 charge for giving it. He is now covered under my HMO and I just pay a $15.00 copay. After the first visit there was also an office visit charge but it was much lower than the initial evaluation charge. All the doctors in the US do it differently, too and charges vary widely.

I would think that you would have a case for not paying the cosmetic surgeon a dime since he gave you reconstituted and frozen botox. And you received no benefit from it. (as expected).
I really wish that there was some way of us knowing for certain how often this was happening all over the country. And how often really painful injections are a result of mixing the botox with saline with preservatives. Unfortunately, all that we can do is ask and then we may not get a truthful or straight answer.

I think that you are doing the right thing by bringing your situation to the attention of whomever you can and I applaud you for doing so.

In the meantime, you need continuing treatment. You might check with Neurologists that are Movement Disorder Specialists and see if any of them work with botox. They would be more likely to work with dystonia patients in general and therefore should have a good knowledge base for BEB and botox usage.

I wish that I could help you in some way. Please don't stay away so long. You've been missed here. I was about to go way down to the bottom of the world and look you and your chooks up.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Jul 20,2001,06:38 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley and everybody

Glad to know you find all this interesting. Stop me if I ever become BORING !!!!!

Went to see my GP today and told him it was back to the drawing board. My husband thought I should try and get my money back from the cosmetic surgeon but my friend the GP said he (cosmetic surgeon) would have paid top dollar for the Botox as he wasn't using it for medical purposes so may even have lost on the deal!! I suppose that is true because I remember there were lots of forms to sign when it is used for BEB.

Anyway, while I was there, he tried to phone Allergan in Sydney but got only the answering machine. He left a message saying he wanted the names of doctors in Perth who used Botox and also asked if he supplied any to the Fremantle Hospital where Jenny from NZ had injections once. The surgery is not on the Internet so he also asked me when I got home to email Allergan and give them his Fax number so they could send the info. I did this, but of course it was Friday afternoon by this time and we are 2 hours behind Sydney so he may not get it until Monday!! Do you have Friday afternoon-itis in US?

On a brighter note: the launch of my web site for the wildflower group is imminent. I will post the address when it happens!


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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 20,2001,11:27 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lyn,
I doubt that the cosmetic surgeon actually lost money on the deal. He had already used that vial of botox on someone else and frozen the remainder. I don't feel that you should have had to pay him for botox that he mishandled and was less or ineffective for you due to his poor judgement.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your website.

We have TGIF-day or Thank God it's Friday.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by kathy ® , Jul 20,2001,14:57 Top of Thread Archive
alot of people here burn out at the end of the week. i and i'm sure others here burn out every day when our eyes get bad for any length of time.

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Jul 20,2001,13:38 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lyn with 1 n,

Here in the States there are, in some cities, people called ombudsmans, usually associated with (and paid by) newspapers or TV stations, who act on behalf of beleaguered citizens like yourself. They don't have any particular legal standing, but they make a lot of noise and their position with the media gives them high visibility. Usually they will get a request like yours, put together as many documents as they can obtain, and go pounding on the official doors (with cameraman) until they get an answer, apology, or refund. They seem to be effective.


--- Lynn with 2 n's

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Re:TV Reporters

Re : Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jul 20,2001,16:00 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lynn with 2 n's. I probably leave that 2nd "n" off your name more times than not. I just can't keep track of who spells their name which way.
Anyway, we have a couple of those guys here in Little Rock that work for the TV stations. (I didn't know what they were called) I believe that two different stations have them here and like you say people just call the TV station and let them know what the problem is. If they feel that it is juicy enough or warrants a story line, they go for it and tell all about the circumstances and who was "done wrong" (my grammar continues to worsen). They usually are successful as they do go with the reporter and the cameras are rolling as they walk right in on the person or ask to speak to them. It is publicized on TV and they usually get results. At times they even go back 2 or 3 times for follow-up and tell what is being done to correct a situation.
Good suggestion Lynn. Maybe Australia has something like that. Would be worth checking into.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Lyn Patterson-Are you ok?

Re : Lyn Patterson-Are you ok? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Jul 19,2001,10:42 Top of Thread Archive
geez, lyn, things have been rough for you. perhaps something good will finally come out of this. the others have given you very good advice. i would not know what to do.

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