Conference Goers

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 11,2001,14:26   Archive
Hi, I have purchased some little stickers with computers on them (very immature stickers, I might add) and plan on leaving them at the registration table for the conference. For those of you who would like, they can be put on your name tag and hopefully we will be able to find other bulletin board people a little easier that way. So, they will be available if you want them. Last year, I was constantly looking at name tags to see if I recognized any names. This might make it a little bit easier and maybe other people will ask us about the stickers and we can tell them about the bb.

Virginia had suggested to me that we try to get bb people together if possible and have lunch before the conference. So, those of you that will be there by noon on Friday, might want to join us for lunch. Let's just meet close to the registration area and go from there. Everyone is welcome.

And in keeping with me being young at heart, I intend to have people autograph a cookbook for me. It will be like signing yearbooks. Not quite that bad-just name and state will do. I am coming armed with an ink pen and cookbook so get ready to sign your name. What a treasure that will be. I may even get my visor and canvas bag signed (if Nilda saves me one.) I'll be there early, Nilda, so hopefully you will still have some.

If any of you have specific questions for the doctors at the conference, just post them under a new heading of conference questions and ask your question and I will print it out and take it to the conference and get the answers back to you when we get back.

For those of you that haven't gone to a conference before, Friday is pretty casual attire, Saturday is the Medical Symposium and people dress a little nicer but nothing fancy-just comfortable. The doctors usually wear suits. Saturday night is the banquet and people dress up a little more. Sunday is casual again and people are usually dressed for whatever they are wearing to go home in.
Basically a variety of attire from jeans to shorts to very professional looking and dressy. I think that it is most important to be comfortable.

Any other suggestions, anyone? or info? It is getting closer.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Aug 11,2001,18:49 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks, Shirley, great ideas. I will be glad to help with the name tags for the bb folks at the conference if you need it. I encourage those who are attending to take advantage of this and wear the extra tag. We shall also check into the idea of reserving some tables for us at one
of the meals. I plan to meet you all for lunch barring any unforseen

I am looking forward to seeing you all and don't be too surprised if I
get all emotional--this group and bb have become an important part of my life and have helped enormously with my disorder.

Look forward to it and see you there!!! Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Aug 11,2001,20:37 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley

Wish I could attend but I hope you will tell me all about it afterwards.

Do you think you could ask about the Botox that my new ophthalmologist insisted was stronger than what he had been using previously? I got the definite impression he really meant it was a different compositon or something. He seemed very familiar with Botox, said it was Botox A
but a stronger form. Perhaps it was just packaged differently but he seemed so positive in his comments.

It is now 6 days since my Botox and I feel wonderful !! Very slight ptosis on one eye but I can live with that. Not a bruise in sight ! He said he was trying to avoid bruising and he succeeded. Driving is OK !!!

Sorry about your mother-in-law. I think I am lucky in that not many people ever notice anything is wrong with my eyes. Living in a semi rural place I don't see a lot of people on a daily basis, only when I go to town for meetings, shopping, library etc. I wear big dark glasses constantly winter and summer outdoors and my ordinary glasses indoors (I am shortsighted) and I think they mask the problems a bit. Of course, when the Botox is operative, I am fine !!! and there is nothing much to see !!

Have a great conference !!

Lyn still in the depths of winter but still not much rain

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Re: Botox working this time for Lyn

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 11,2001,21:10 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Lyn,
I will ask your question at the conference. Wish that you could go and we could meet.
I am so glad to hear that your botox is working this time. You were about due for something to go right.
Here's hoping that you get a little more improvement since it has only been 6 days and that the ptosis doesn't get any worse.
Enjoy your winter-we are sweltering over here. Your chooks' eyes would glaze over in this humidity.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Aug 11,2001,20:50 Top of Thread Archive
I appreciate your info, especially about clothes. I hope to be at the airport by 11:00, so with luck might be there in time for lunch. Am certainly forward to meeting all or you. The sticker idea is great.
Joann in ARK.

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Joann Humphrey
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 11,2001,21:14 Top of Thread Archive
We'll try to let the registering people know where we will be for lunch so you can just join us when you get there if you like. If you don't make it in time for lunch, we'll find you that afternoon.
See you soon Joann.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Billie Lowe ® (billie lowe,Billie Lowe), Aug 11,2001,21:36 Top of Thread Archive
Hey Shirley,
Sorry that I'm not going to be able to make it to the conference. I know that you guys will have fun and hopefully learn a lot. One thing I remember from last year was how cold it was in the conference room, especially at the banquet. A friend that had gone before told me to be sure to take a jacket or sweater, which I forgot, I sure could have used it, especially at the banquet. I wore my husband's suit coat.
I assume they will have a tape of the conference like last year. Maybe I can get one. I'm anxious to see how my next injections are going to work. I get them on the 16th. This is my regular doctor, the one that has been out of the country.
We are planning on going to the conference next year.

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Re: Audio tapes and take a sweater

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Billie Lowe
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 11,2001,21:50 Top of Thread Archive
I'm sorry that you can't go, too, Billie. Good suggestion about taking something a little warmer to slip on in case the AC is really cool.

Walter Mason does the audio recordings and I believe that they will be available again this year. They have been $35 dollars for the set of tapes in the past and worth every penny of it. I will get them again. They are the next best thing to going to the conference. I'm glad that they offer them.

Hope that your injections go well.


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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Billie Lowe
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Aug 12,2001,13:37 Top of Thread Archive
I'm curious, where will the conference by next yr. Joann in ARK where we had a wonderful rain this a.m., which was badly needed.

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Re: Next years conference

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Joann Humphrey
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 12,2001,20:28 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Joann,
Someone said that it was going to be in Texas but I don't remember where in Texas. I can't find that information anywhere, though. I think that Kelly might have mentioned it.


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Re: Next years conference

Re : Re: Next years conference --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 12,2001,20:43 Top of Thread Archive
I believe I heard Houston mentioned.

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Re: Next years conference

Re : Re: Next years conference --- Christel-California
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Aug 13,2001,09:08 Top of Thread Archive
It is Houston.

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Re: Conference Goers/I'm Feeling Sad

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Aug 11,2001,21:57 Top of Thread Archive
I feel the excitement of all of you who are planning to go to the conference ... and I feel sad that I can't go. I did so want to meet all of you "eye to eye" and have my cookbook autographed, too!! Don't I sound like a spoiled brat??

It's going to be quiet and lonely here on the BB with so many gone. Keep us home bodies in mind and we'll be there in spirit, waiting to hear all the details when you get back.

Sally in North Idaho who has to go cook supper now.

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Re: Conference Goers/I'm Feeling Sad

Re : Re: Conference Goers/I'm Feeling Sad --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Aug 12,2001,19:01 Top of Thread Archive
We'll miss you Sally and all those who aren't attending. Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Conference Goers --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Jaelline Jaffe ® , Aug 14,2001,03:13 Top of Thread Archive
I'm hoping to get there in time for the 2:30 workshop (assuming I calculate the timezone correctly!). Enjoy your lunch together - I'll be looking for the little stickers (great idea) for lunch on Saturday.

One suggestion from past meetings of various kinds - hotel meeting rooms usually have florescent lights - don't know about y'all, but my eyes really hate them, so when I remember, I take a visor with me.

See you soon!

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Jaelline Jaffe
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Aug 14,2001,15:15 Top of Thread Archive
Jaelline, conferencer coordinators do their best to get the lights
dimmed, some turned off, or whatever. I have been an advocate of
someone taking care of this beforehand but got boohooed about it.
Someone ends up running around when we get there trying to resolve the
lighting situation.
Since I am due botox beginning of Sept., my eyes are already kicking up
a bit so I'll be able to tolerate virtually no florescents. That either
means visor, 2 pairs glasses and probably keeping my eyes shut. I am
hoping for the best and looking forward to sharing with everyone..
See you there...Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- Joanne Matuzas
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Aug 14,2001,15:26 Top of Thread Archive
I wish you all a wonderful, informative, friendly time - and no laser pointers!

June in Toronto

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- June in Toronto
Posted by Edith Nalepa ® (edith nalepa,Edith Nalepa), Aug 14,2001,20:51 Top of Thread Archive
Dear Friends of the board, Some of you will soon be leaving for the conference, sorry I will not be able to meet you there, perhaps another year. I wish you all good weather, eyes that behave, I know you will have a good time and enjoy each others company.We will miss you posting for the days you will be gone. Take notes, esp. on anything new that we should know about, and let us know what you learned.I Will be thinking about you and looking for your posts next week.Edith in Ohio

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Re: Conference Goers

Re : Re: Conference Goers --- June in Toronto
Posted by Rosemary Sloan ® , Aug 14,2001,21:07 Top of Thread Archive
I read your message on the bulletin board. We all know what it feels
like to have beb. I had some big tears from these dry eyes. Thanks!
I can't tell you that somebody is worse off, we all feel our own pain
and discomfort. All I can tell you from my view is, I think the next
day will be a better day. I have been at the end of my rope, and still
trying to climb up. I feel like with the technology of today, we have
a lot to look forward to. It does feel good to be able to talk to
somebody that can understand beb. I have had some good results from
some eyedrops called "muro 5%", by Busch & Lomb. My doctor has me to
put these drops in my eyes 6 to 10 times a day. He says that would
help the eyes heal themselves.

Good luck and like I said, we feel your pain. Please contact me at


just write me @

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