Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Aug 15,2001,23:14   Archive

Here's wishing your mother a most happy day to begin her 90th year. She has a wonderful son to go to all that work to give her such a lovely, big party.

I hope your final location for the festivities does not include a lily pond, swimming pool, or ladder!! Take care. Just enjoy.

May your eyes behave themselves and let you see all the happiness you have instigated.

Sally, who expects to wake up as a puddle of butter in HOT North Idaho

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Aug 16,2001,07:38 Top of Thread Archive
I second that Alan - hope the party is great.

June in Toronto

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 16,2001,09:12 Top of Thread Archive
Alan, add my best wishes for your mom and I agree with Sally.
Hope the party is a big success and that your mom thoroughly enjoys herself as well as everybody else.
Christel in Ca.

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Christel-California
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Aug 16,2001,10:45 Top of Thread Archive
I too wish her a very happy 90th, & wonderful party. Joann in Arkansas

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Aug 16,2001,13:57 Top of Thread Archive
Swing, Alan!!! Good enough reason to miss the conference but we will
miss you!! Joanne M. San Diego, CA who leaves early tomorrow am....

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Joanne Matuzas
Posted by Pat Soulia ® (Patricia Soulia,Pat Soulia), Aug 16,2001,15:06 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Alan,
I am a newcomer to the bulletin board and read your message re: your mom's 90th birthday. May God bless her with many more years and I too would like to wish her a Happy Birthday.

I am not going to the conference but hope all those who are have a successful experience and a safe return back home. I have to go for botox injections so I could not fit the conference in. Have had blepharospasm and Meige Syndrome for 2 years and am hoping like everyone else that a cure will be found soon. I live in Pennsylvania but go to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.(4 l/2 hour trip from my home) for the injections.

Hope your mom's birthday is an enjoyable day for all who attend this special event.

Pat Soulia in Stroudsburg, PA

--modified by Pat Soulia at Thu, Aug 16, 2001, 15:14:32

--modified by Pat Soulia at Thu, Aug 16, 2001, 15:16:24

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Pat Soulia
Posted by colleen ® , Aug 16,2001,18:43 Top of Thread Archive
I too wish your mother a happy birthday.
What a blessing to have her 90 years
I had my father for 99 years.
En joy the party.
Colleen in IL

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- colleen
Posted by Billie Lowe ® (billie lowe,Billie Lowe), Aug 16,2001,21:32 Top of Thread Archive
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Alan's mom
Happy Birthday to you.
Have fun at the party Alan & take good care of your mom.

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Re: Happy Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! and to mine as well!

Re : Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Aug 17,2001,07:56 Top of Thread Archive
Alan give your Mom a great "Big Ole Southern Happy Birthday to You" from me. My Mom will be 75 the 19th of August. With her Hepatitis C, Diabetes, and 40 years of hypertension I will consider it a gift to have her one more day. I pray she lives to be 80 or 90 with a clear mind and a strong body. Hope your Mom has a wonderful celebration and you have a fun day reaping all your hard work to make it happen.

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Re: Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!!

Re : Happy 90th Birthday, Alan's Mother!!! --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by kathy ® , Aug 17,2001,11:27 Top of Thread Archive
yes you do have a wonderful son to think of you at this time and make your day special.

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