Re: I have an idea

Posted by Evelyn ® , Aug 17,2001,23:43   Archive
Hey, Cristel, Don't give up or get too discouraged. Someone is bound to listen someday.

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Re: I have an idea

Re : Re: I have an idea --- Evelyn
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 18,2001,00:10 Top of Thread Archive
O.K. Sally and Evelyn, thanks for the boost, I needed that.
If nothing else, maybe they'll order a few of our books.

Christel in Ca. where it's finally cooled off a bit, at least until tomorrow.

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Re: I have an idea

Re : Re: I have an idea --- Christel-California
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Aug 18,2001,16:13 Top of Thread Archive
Yes go for it. Oprah loves to eat and that could be on our side. Many of us have written or sent things to her...but we can not give up until she finally says, she is sick of hearing from us and gives us some attention just to shut us up!

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Re: I have an idea

Re : Re: I have an idea --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 18,2001,16:43 Top of Thread Archive
I took into consideration also the fact that Oprah loves to eat and we all know she does. But just watch her come back from summer vacation thin as a rail, turning her back on all cook books. :-)

Christel in Ca. who shouldn't think negatively

On the other hand, if she's been starving herself all summer, she'll be ready for our cook book.

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Re: I have an idea

Re : Re: I have an idea --- Christel-California
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Aug 18,2001,21:33 Top of Thread Archive
That a girl....exactly....either way thin or's worth a try.

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Re: I have an idea

Re : Re: I have an idea --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Aug 19,2001,15:29 Top of Thread Archive
Persistence can pay off. I emailed fox news about beb and asked the medical reporter to consider doing a story. Two days later he emailed me back with a yes and to call him in 2 weeks. It took me 3 months to get him to call me back but I kept pestering him. When we finally met to film the piece he introduced me to his cameraman as the "very persistent Kelly Saffell."

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