
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 18,2001,18:23   Archive
Everytime I log on to the BB I have to login to post, be it once a day, 3 times or 5 times, it doesn't matter how many times. It happens EVERY TIME, it's annoying. Does anyone else have this problem?


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Re: login

Re : login --- Christel-California
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Aug 18,2001,19:36 Top of Thread Archive
I always have to if I've checked out and gone to another site even for a bit. I thought everyone did??????

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: login

Re : Re: login --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by colleen ® , Aug 18,2001,20:00 Top of Thread Archive
I login a lot thought i was doing something wrong.
Glad too know i am not the only one
Colleen in IL

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Re: login

Re : Re: login --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Christel-California ® , Aug 19,2001,10:31 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks all you guys for you input. Tried to respond last night, but was rejected, had apparently used up my quota of posts - a first.
Re: the login, I remember in the past not having to login every time, only if I had been away from the BB for a few days and not posted. But seems you are all in the same boat and I'm not the only one.
Maybe Judy can help.

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Re: login

Re : login --- Christel-California
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Aug 18,2001,20:19 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Christel

It varies. This time I didn't have to login - don't know why - but most times when I try to post a message I have to login and it ALWAYS says my password is incorrect and I have to type it in all over again, even though I have the "remember my password" ticked. Most mysterious!

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Re: login

Re : login --- Christel-California
Posted by Edith Nalepa ® (edith nalepa,Edith Nalepa), Aug 18,2001,20:21 Top of Thread Archive
Hello Christel, I used to have the same problem you did getting to the board to read or post. I asked Judy blackman for help. She gave me a hyperlink in blue, which I clicked on, then put it in Favorits, or Book mark. I do not know how to give you the blue, but she or someone else can, but the URL is www.blepharospasm.org/forums/beb/ Hope this helps you till someone smarter than me on computers can help you better.Edith in Ohio

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