Blepharospasm Bulletin Board

gene test for dystonia
Posted by: jliang ®
03/16/2004, 18:18:38

I have Blepharospasm, spasmdic torticollis and I develop vocal card spasm recently. Since there is no my family members have these problems, I want to do gene test. Because I want to have a baby, I want to make sure my kid does not inherited my bad gene. I hope you can help me with the information about the gene test and how many percent of people who have dysonia will inherite to the children? Thanks very much

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Re: gene test for dystonia
Re: gene test for dystonia -- jliang Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Shirley Barr in New Mexico ®
03/17/2004, 01:31:38

Research hasn't gotten that far yet. As far as I know, there is no specific test yet to determine if you will pass this on to any children that you may have. I'm very sorry. I have two sons and I also wonder if they will be affected with blepharospasm or other dystonias. There is just no way of knowing at the present time. We do know that it does sometimes run in families.

What information was given at the conference in Philly concerning the genetic factor? Anyone at the last conference that would like to comment?

Shirley in New Mexico

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Re: gene test for dystonia
Re: gene test for dystonia -- jliang Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Diane in Virginia ®
03/21/2004, 12:52:49

At the bottom of this BB page, there is a link to the Dystonia BB that you can click on, in order to go there.
Perhaps someone on that BB can give you additional info & ideas?
Good Luck!

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