Audio Tapes

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 22,2001,05:28   Archive
Hi All,
Walter was already collecting orders for the 2001 conference audio tapes at the conference so I assume that you could email him or send him a check for the $35 and he will send you the tapes. There have been ten tapes in the past. They come in a nice white cassette binder, labeled. There will probably be information regarding the tapes in the next newsletter or posted in The Main Pages. I copied the below information from the Main Pages regarding the 2000 tapes. You would just specify the 2001 tapes.
Just thought that I would post this information for those of you that wanted to go ahead and get the tapes as soon as they are available. They are the next best thing to being there. I get them even though I attended the conference as I know that I miss things when I am having problems with my eyes. (Alright, I'd miss part of what they said even without the eye problems).
The BEBRF makes no money on these tapes. The $35 is strictly for the cost of making them.

Note that these tapes are not available from BEBRF. Rather, they may be purchased from:

Walter F. Mason
2400 Durston Road #55
Bozeman, MT
USA 59718
Tel: (406) 586-3600

The postpaid cost is $35.00 U.S. for the complete set or $4.00 for each individual tape. Enclose payment with order.

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