Laser Pointers at Conference Again!

Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Aug 24,2001,11:23   Archive
I noticed from a post of Shirley's, that she mentioned laser pointers were used once again at the last conference. I can't believe they would do that to you all. The one and only beb conference I attended they used them as well - I complained in person and in writing - I simply can't tolerate `the things' and I understand a lot of us with this condition react the same way. What a shame - it must have spoiled it for some of you.

June in Toronto

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Re: Laser Pointers at Conference Again!

Re : Laser Pointers at Conference Again! --- June in Toronto
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 24,2001,15:28 Top of Thread Archive
Hi June,
They were certainly a problem for me and there was one doctor that would keep twirling the thing around what he wanted us to look at. He would circle a portion several times with the laser pointer.

Some of the doctors used Power Point presentations which is a newer technology and that was no problem. We can't really dictate what the doctors can use, though. I'm just glad that they come and make their presentations however they will. I think that it could be suggested to them that the Power Point is much easier on our eyes. But, I'll go either way. I'll just look down during that presentation if the lights are too much.

Shirley in AR.

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