Image problems

Posted by Webmaster ® , Aug 24,2001,21:43   Archive
The short answer. A problem beyond my control has occurred. It will probably be resolved within a few days. It affects all images which have been uploaded. Meanwhile, I will repost Shirley's photos.

The long answer. There is an option in the bulletin board software which allows an uploaded image to show as a small icon when you open the message referring to it. Then, when you click on the icon, you see the full image. This speeds up the opening of the message and allows a reader to choose to look at the full image or not. Although the bulletin board software resides on our web host, the software which creates the icon resides on the web host of the software manufacturer who has apparently gotten into a scrap with their web host. Their site is in chaos. I have turned off the iconizer option so that any images uploaded with a new message will display. Images uploaded with earlier messages will not display until the iconizer software is running again.


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Re: Image problems

Re : Image problems --- Webmaster
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 24,2001,22:33 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks so much for your help, Bob. I think that I kindof sorta maybe understand parts of your explanation. My husband seemed to but my best computer problem explainer has gone away to college. So, does this mean that I can post a few more pictures in a day or so when I get around to it.
Thanks again Bob. We appreciate you.

Shirley in AR.

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