Using Myobloc and Botox at the same time

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Aug 29,2001,20:49   Archive
Someone with BEB at the conference shared that their doctor had given them Botox in one eye and Myobloc in the other eye to see which one would work best. I cannot remember the outcome of this from that patient and I hope that I am not stepping on any toes here.
The Allergan rep later told me that this should never be done. Botox and Myobloc work differently on the receptor sites and you could not only get no results but very negative results from doing this. He did not elaborate but just said that this was a very scary thing, indeed and should never be done.
So, just a warning to say "No" if your doctor should suggest this. Have them check with their local Allergan or Elan reps.

Shirley in AR. who will continue to make little comments as I remember things from the conference.

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