Latest Newsletter has an Internet Page

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Sep 06,2001,20:03   Archive
I got my latest newsletter today and was eagerly expecting Conference news. Well, they haven't had enough time to get that together and printed yet. But, I wasn't disappointed. Lots of good information and best of all on Page 9 was an Internet Page. Yes, folks, Really! Computer at the top and everything. Three email messages to the BEBRF and Commentary From the Bulletin Board by our very own Joyce Whitt. Joyce very nicely told how the bulletin board had been there for her for support and advice and friendship and even humor.
Thank you Joyce for putting into words what so many of us feel.

By the way, Joyce is having a little difficulty with her eyes right now and is just a little impatient to hurry up with this healing process after surgery. To top that off, she had a little slip (an Alan thing) and hurt her foot. After she had difficulty walking this morning she decided to go to the doctor and have it checked out. Yep, broken in 4-5 places. She will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to see how they are going to proceed.

I told her to go lie down with her warm crock pot eye soaks and prop her foot up and not move. We wish you well, Joyce.

Shirley in AR. who also enjoyed seeing the picture of Mary Lou Thompson and Gwen Chesser who is the BEBRF Computer Secretary and Mary Smith who is the BEBRF Office Manager in the BEBRF office. It is nice to put a face with a name.

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