I broke my foot!!

Posted by joyce Whitt/NC ® (Joyce Whitt,joyce Whitt/NC), Sep 10,2001,14:13   Archive
Hi everyone. I think someone posted that I had broke my foot. Is a fractured/shattered bone the same thing as a broken foot!! I am doing OK, altho I am suppose to stay off my foot as much as possible, I have to VERY CAREFULLY comeing down my basement steps to my computer and check out the BB. It is addictive - please no fussing about me coming down the stairs. It was a very stupid thing I did, I stood on an unsteady object and my right foot just slipped off, it landed on its side and I heard something pop and had a sharp pain. A little "knot" sprung up but it really didn't hurt all that bad, at least for a while.

I went to the doctor and he X-rayed it and then he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. He ssid "don't be surprised if they have to put a pin in that bone". Thank goodness when I went to see the surgeon, he thought we could get bye with a cast for now. I have to go back this Friday for another X-ray to make sure it is healing prooperly. If everything checks out OK, I will probably have to wear this approx. 6 weeks altho he said it could be 3 months. Really don't know what he meant by that. He said that bones in the foot don't heal fast.

Did you know that cast came in colors. I chose Purple to match my toes which are turning black & blue & purple. I need some purple nail polish and I will be color cordinated.

They say things happen for a purpose. Whereas my husband turned a "blind eye" (no pun intended) to helping me when my eyes were closed so much, he has really worked at helping me now. He waits on me and helps me do a lot of things he ordinarily wouldn't do. He gave me strick (sp?)orders this morning before he went to work, "Don't do anything, just sit and watch TV and sleep." Right. Walking on cruches is very tiring and it is hard to do much while walking on these things. I will take it easy this week and if after the X-ray Friday, everything is healing properly, I will try to do a little bit more, but not too much.

Joyce in NC - where the weather is beautiful and I haven't been out of the house since last Friday.

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