eyes better this round

Posted by kathy ® , Sep 21,2001,13:53   Archive
i guess i'm happy to say that my eyes are better in this cooler weather. the problems i am having this time are blurrines. yesterday they were horrible tho, for no apparent reason. i am going to try and cut down maybe on the celebrex, which i have had to take every day for awhile now and see how that goes.

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Re: eyes better this round

Re : eyes better this round --- kathy
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Sep 21,2001,19:14 Top of Thread Archive
Kathy, I'm glad that your eyes are doing better now. Sorry about the blurriness. I just wonder if the blurred vision that you and June have is site related (horrible choice of words). I'll try again. I wonder if the blurred vision is caused by where the botox is injected and that if might not happen if the injection site was changed.
Anybody else, have any ideas about this. I know that it has been mentioned at the conferences but can't remember what was actually said.

How is the eye pain doing that you usually get? Are you using a sleep mask, yet? Aren't I nosy?

Shirley in AR. with both sons home :-)

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Re: eyes better this round

Re : Re: eyes better this round --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Sep 23,2001,09:00 Top of Thread Archive
yes thank you shirley for responding. i am probably one of those people who need checking on when they don't post for awhile. i read your and june's posts on this blurriness and maybe you're right on some aspect of this. mine seems to go away after the 3 week side effect period.
went without the celebrex for 2 days and was not prepared for the ensuing PAIN which followed this! it's either too soon to cut back on this, the temperature here just rose again, or i need to take it every day. i don't particularly like to take that much medication, but for now
i really need it.
no. i don't use a mask yet. i tried using a scarf for a nap, loosely tied around my eyes. it was okay i guess.

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Re: eyes better this round

Re : Re: eyes better this round --- kathy
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Sep 23,2001,15:08 Top of Thread Archive
Kathy, You are officially designated under my care to check on if you don't post for a period of time. So if you go for too long and don't check in, I'll email you.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: eyes better this round

Re : Re: eyes better this round --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Sep 23,2001,19:06 Top of Thread Archive
thanks! i feel honored. part of this sickening pain i felt increasingly yesterday has just been answered by rain, lightening and thunder. it helps me to know at least some contributing factors were responsible as i didn't think there was any rain in the forecast. there is nothing else to describe the pain, but sickening. i am okay now. maybe the celebrex every other day.

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