
Posted by Edith Nalepa ® (edith nalepa,Edith Nalepa), Sep 26,2001,06:12   Archive
Dear Friends, Thanks for the link to Plumeria, I believe I have a Plumeria bush in Bonita Springs Fl. our winter home.Mine is blue and is a low growing bush type.I will be going back there in 3 weeks.Today will be the last time I can read the board for 3 weeks.Must take my computer to my sisters so she can take it to Fl. for me.She is driving down in a few days, by we will not fly down for 3 weeks.Keep on posting, when I get set up I will try to catch up as much as I can.Really enjoy all of you so much, you are my institute of learning.I will be getting my next botox for my hemi facia spasms in Fl.EDith in Ohio where it is 41 degrees, and I am cold.

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Re: Have a safe trip back

Re : Plumeria --- Edith Nalepa
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Sep 26,2001,15:26 Top of Thread Archive
Edith, Hopefully you will have a whole lot to catch up on. BB withdrawal can be painful so you might want to stop in at a library and glance at the bb there.

Have a safe trip to Florida and check in when you can. Be warm.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Plumeria

Re : Plumeria --- Edith Nalepa
Posted by Christel-California ® , Sep 26,2001,18:58 Top of Thread Archive
Edith, Florida would certainly be a good place for Plumeria, but I don't know if they come in blue. Haven't studied up on it yet and don't know how many species there are, but the only ones I've ever seen in Hawaii are red and yellow, also off white or light yellow and yellow with lighter edges. The Plumeria trees get quite big. Plumeria is the flower they traditionally use for leis.
Have a safe trip down and we'll see you soon.

Christel, who wishes she had your Ohio temperatures

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