
Posted by M Chiasson ® , Sep 30,2001,19:57   Archive
Dear Blepharospasm Friends:

Sometimes when things don't get done, you have to grab the bill by the horns and do it yourself. We do not have a Support Group set up in Nova Scotia for either the Dystonia Foundation or the Blepharospasm Foundation so I am going to do my little part by doing some
fundraising in my area to continue research to find a cure for this terrible disorder:
1. On Thursday, Oct 4th, 2001, from 1-5 pm, I will be at the east end of the Canso Causeway to accept Canadian Tax Deductible donations to the Canadian Blepharospasm Foundation. For Canadian donations, the cheque should be payable to:

Benign Essential Blepharospasm Canadian Research Foundation, Inc.
Revenue Canada Registration Number 14082 5266 RR0001)
2. On Friday, I intend to go door to door soliciting the businesses in Port Hawkesbury, the town in which I live.
3. On Saturday, Oct. 6th, from 11am to 5pm, I intend to set up a table in front of the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission.

For anyone who cannot find me at any of those places, they can mail me their cheques at:
Marcellin Chiasson,
17 Birchwood Court,
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia,Canada,
B9A 3H8
TEL : 902-625-1811
(I do not have any receipts so I will forward the funds to the Dystonia Foundation in Toronto and will be asking them to send official Canadian Income Tax receipts to those who have requested a receipt). On
behalf of all Blepharospasm/Dystonia patients, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY.


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