I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 02,2001,13:07   Archive
Thank you ladies for being concerned about me. The blood pressure and pulse are better. I've stopped the Adderall and am taking my Klonopin and a very limited amount of Benadryl. The eyes are a little better today but I'm not sure for how long. The apraxia is the problem and the Adderall was working to help that but I have said before that it was a drug that I would not be able to take long term. I had decreased the dosage of it following my upper myectomy but have had to keep increasing it over the past few months. It seemed to be a choice between being able to see and waiting to have a stroke or heart attack or back to not seeing and being non-functional.
That is what led to my depression and private pity party. Sorry no one was invited but it was not a pretty picture and I needed time to regroup. The dogs stayed with me and looked sorrowful and the cat told me repeatedly about her recent Thyroidectomy and when were the stitches coming out.
The birds kept thinking that my crying must be a new form of laughter and would start laughing to attempt to mimic me so I had to slink off to the bedroom to get away from them. Ever try to cry and really feel miserable and a parrot starts laughing at you? It is just not conducive to a crying jag.

Hopefully, I will have some other alternatives to try. The apraxia is a real problem but I am still glad that I had the surgery done and know that things would be worse right now if I had not.

Anyway, I'm alive and well and trying to come up with a new plan. I am going to try Parsitan(it was Parsidol years ago when it was sold in the US) but have not received it yet. It has to come from Canada. Mindy had good luck with it and my doctor has agreed to let me try it. I'm just waiting on it to come in.

Thanks again for all your concern and as soon as I feel like picking on people again, I'll take the volunteers up on it.

Shirley in AR. partially back

--modified by Shirley-Arkansas-USA at Tue, Oct 02, 2001, 14:25:41

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Mindy ® , Oct 02,2001,14:01 Top of Thread Archive
Hey girl,
I'm glad to hear you're regrouped.
I just need to get you back and correct your spelling.
Parsitan :-)
Mindy in NY

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Mindy
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 02,2001,14:35 Top of Thread Archive
Parsidol was not misspelled. :-0 I just said the wrong thing. :-) I should have said Parsitan as that is the trade name for it in Canada. But I stand corrected (to a degree) in using the name that it went under in the US where it is no longer made.
I have modified my above post to reflect Mindy's need for perfection. LOL Doesn't that lead to stress? :-)
Ok, I'll be good, now.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Evelyn ® , Oct 02,2001,21:38 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley,
I'm so sorry that you've been having a hard time. I have been lurking, but not posting much. Today is the first day I've been able to even read much, as I've been very ill with what must have been intestinal flu. I've only been that sick once before that I can remember. Bad stuff. I'm glad you're doing better.
My best, Evelyn

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of/Evelyn

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Evelyn
Posted by Mindy ® , Oct 03,2001,13:58 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Evelyn,
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

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Re: Feeling Good

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Evelyn
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 04,2001,05:55 Top of Thread Archive
Evelyn, I have had flu symptoms for 5 days after my botox . It is sometimes a side effect. I had a fever of 102 and chills an no appetite. Also, the botox didn't seem to be working but today, day 11, my eyes are open and the flu symptoms gone. All is well with the world. I was really depressed since the botox always kicked in the next day for me and I had visions of it not helping anymore. As long a s I can count on relief at regular intervals , I'm happy. Seems like the klonopin and zoloft are working too. I'm just countin my blessings right now. Walked one mile today. First time in months. Felt really good for an ex long distance runner who hasn't moved in months and has gained 25 pounds. It feels so good to feel so good. Ann Doyle

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Evelyn
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 05,2001,11:20 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Evelyn,
Sorry that you haven't been well. It is ok to lurk-I'd just rather have you posting.
How is that insulin pump doing?

Shirley in AR. hoping that you are all well by now.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 02,2001,16:09 Top of Thread Archive

I'm glad you're feeling better. I was too busy feeling depressed myself and I'm sorry I didn't know you were having the blues too. I guess we better plan our depressions better so we're not both out at the same time!

Those inconsiderate parrots! Glad you hve your dogs to console you. My puppies have been so good licking my tears but then they get confused about who is Alpha so I have to stop blubbering and get my "deep throat" voice back and then they seem to be ok.

I know we're not supposed to put attachments here, but I just have to show everybody my girls - Lily on the right and Molly on the left. They were 18 wks. old in this photo. Now they are 21 wks. old and into their teens!

Dee in OR where we are STILL working on our "fixer upper"!

Uploaded file

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Re- Nice picture of the "girls"

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Dee in OR
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 02,2001,16:36 Top of Thread Archive
Your girls are growing. It is difficult trying to be "alpha" and have tears going at the same time.
We'll try and plan our next depressions on alternating weeks or should we go to a monthly basis? Probably too early to tell.
Glad that you are doing better as well. Now, maybe we can argue, I mean disagree, about something.

Shirley in AR. not doing much of anything today.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 03,2001,10:47 Top of Thread Archive
cute picture, what kind are they?

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- kathy
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 03,2001,15:15 Top of Thread Archive
They are CATAHOULAS or Louisianna Leopard Dogs

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of/dee

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 04,2001,05:08 Top of Thread Archive
wow, i have never heard of that breed. interesting.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Christel-California ® , Oct 02,2001,16:54 Top of Thread Archive
Glad to have you back, Shirley, I missed you.

Christel in Ca. where it just won't cool down

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Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley at all ...

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 02,2001,20:37 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley, even if you're only partially here ... I'm so glad to see you back on the screen.

Naughty parrots; good dogs; typical cat, self-centered!

Sally in North Idaho where they are burning grass fields all around the edges of town and I am gasping. Sky is beautiful from it, almost dark now.

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Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley /sally

Re : Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley at all ... --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 03,2001,10:50 Top of Thread Archive
sally, you are a really good writer. you use an elegant "economy of words".

--modified by kathy at Wed, Oct 03, 2001, 10:51:35

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Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley /sally

Re : Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley /sally --- kathy
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 03,2001,12:58 Top of Thread Archive
Thank you, Kathy ... or in "economical" terms: Thanks!

Sally in North Idaho where it is another beautiful day and I have to waste part of it getting to a difficult-to-get-to medical building in Spokane!

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Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley /sally

Re : Re: A partial Shirley is better than no Shirley /sally --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 04,2001,05:17 Top of Thread Archive
no, really. your third sentence on the beginning of this thread sounds like the perfect first line of a novel or short story. i can see or visualize it, it is so sparse and intense.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Oct 02,2001,21:56 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley, sure happy to hear you've perked up. Take time to listen to the birds. They were probably trying to cheer you up. Your dogs & cat were also feeling sorry for you & sensing your not feeling up to par. Good luck, hope each day gets better for you.

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typical nurse! It takes one to know one.

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 02,2001,23:51 Top of Thread Archive
When I had my surgery in May of 2000, my lowest point was from August until November. It was such a let down that my expectations and my appearance was so disappointing. I had to grieve it all over again the way I had done when I first had to quit work the year before. You'll be ok and those birds were just singing you sweet love songs trying to cheer you up. Dogs and cats comfort us but feel our pain to the point they get depressed too. Glad you picked yourself up and dusted yourself off. You know some times we just have to have those days....but you could have let us know how bad you were feeling and we would have sent you hugs and chocolate. Us nurses are a stubborn lot, we hate to ask for help, we'd much rather give than receive, but we cheat our friends and ourselves when we don't let our friends know we are hurting and need them and let them help us. Cyber hugs and chocolate cake with ice cream to you.

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Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one.

Re : typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 05,2001,11:14 Top of Thread Archive
You are so right, Delaine. I'd rather suffer in silence than ask for help. I can dish it out but am rather uncomfortable about accepting help or the fact that I need any. I've always been the care-giver and the reality of not always being able to be that keeps punching me in the face. (or eyes)
I feel that this is just something that I won't be able to change and is one of the things that continues to disappoint me.

Shirley in AR. where the Schwan's man came last night and I decided to try several new kinds of ice cream. I wonder if they have Schwan's home delivery in Australia or England or New Zealand?

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Re: Schwan's Delivery?

Re : Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Oct 05,2001,16:21 Top of Thread Archive
Never heard of this in Canada even Shirley!

June in Toronto

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Re: You don't have to get over it/you are still a caregiver

Re : Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 05,2001,16:56 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley, you have "nursed/helped" so many people in your career as a nurse and your life as a human being before BEB that if you never helped another living soul or never worked again as a nurse, you have done your share and it has been enough. In truth Shirley you didn't stop helping people and caring for people when BEB came along, you just opened a bigger office and have a hugh client case load of people you have helped because you have BEB and though you say you "don't go to an organized church" you have been given a large congregation of people that God uses you to love, listen, minister to, support, teach and most of all to keep us straight and laughing which is so good for our Spirits and Souls. (I'm going let you in on a secret I don't think God is that crazy about most organized religion either, but he is crazy about you and all that you do to help us here on the BB and in all the other ways you let your light shine for others. See you do what he asks us to do, love one another and live your spirituality. I see the Christ Spirit in you.)

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Re: You don't have to get over it/you are still a caregiver

Re : Re: You don't have to get over it/you are still a caregiver --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 05,2001,23:54 Top of Thread Archive
So well said, Delaine. You have a wonderful way with words and a loving, compassionate spirit. I agree with you completely about Shirley. She shares herself and her knowledge in a spiritual way that is non-religious, per se, but simply following the Golden Rule.

Sally in North Idaho who is so thankful for the people on this BB who are willing to share themselves with all of us.

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Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one.

Re : Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by catherine pender ® , Oct 05,2001,19:50 Top of Thread Archive
I miss Schwan's. When we lived in Minneapolis I got to know them real well!. I particularly like the appetizers. It was great that you could have them the freezer just in case people came over at the last minute. Of course the ice cream was the biggest seller!.

June.. In Canada it would be like M & M Meats coming to your neighbourhood.

Catherine in Calgary soon to leave on driving holiday to Whistler and Vancouver B.C. Hubby doing the driving as I do need my botox but cannot have it until the 23rd. Bummer. Will have to resort to more drugs ugg.

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Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one.

Re : Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Christel-California ® , Oct 06,2001,00:07 Top of Thread Archive
I totally agree with Delaine and Sally, who both have a way with words and am at a loss to find anything to add.

Christel who never heard of Schwan's in Ca. either.

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Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one.

Re : Re: typical nurse! It takes one to know one. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 06,2001,04:34 Top of Thread Archive
Kubler-Ross who wrote "On Death and Dying" said it is just as important to learn how to receive as it is to give. It's a hard lesson for most of us but sometimes we must let someone else feel good. Ann Doyle

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 03,2001,10:44 Top of Thread Archive
first of all, you should have "meowed" very loudly back to your parrot. i am sorry you are having these problems after surgery. maybe the parsitan will be an answer for you! mindy is certainly having good luck with it. please let us know how it does for you. i had to stop taking the celebrex for a few days as i was feeling very overmedicated. the weather is cooler now, luckily it is not addictive so i can do this. of course just as i speak the weather is warming up, so today yet another story in the continuing battle of trying to balance the meds. your description was very funny and sad at the same time.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- kathy
Posted by colleen ® , Oct 03,2001,19:17 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley & Evelyn, glad you are both feeling better.
I have been trying to deal with beb for 3 years.
Every time i think that iam doing pretty good i come up with something else.This time the blood vessles in the lining of the bladder are bleeding.I go to the hospital the 17 for some more tests.
Sounds like fun.
Take Care Colleen in IL

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Something else

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- colleen
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 03,2001,22:57 Top of Thread Archive
Bummer girl......so sorry to hear you have another challenge to contend with, but hopefully this will be easier to fix than BEB/Meige. Hugs and prayers to you.

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Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of

Re : Re: I am picked up and dusted off-sort of --- colleen
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 05,2001,11:28 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Colleen, I'm sorry to hear that you are having additional problems. BEB is hard enough to deal with and you have other problems on top of that. I hope all goes well with the tests that you will be having at the hospital. I'll be thinking of you and please let us know how things turn out.

Shirley in AR.

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