I survived spay day!

Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 09,2001,23:51   Archive
Well, I made it! My two pups got spayed today and I was a nervous wreck all day. I felt so lost without them here. Had to take them to the vet at 8AM and we picked them up at 5:15PM. They are both really sick from the anesthesia - poor babies. I know this has nothing to do with blepharospasm so thanks for letting me post about my girls. Just another worried mother! Except I don't have to worry about underwear like Shirley does.

Dee in OR

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Re: I survived spay day!

Re : I survived spay day! --- Dee in OR
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Oct 10,2001,06:15 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Dee

Glad all went well. My big day is Friday when I take my little male puppy in for his op. We go at 8.30 and I shall pick him up late in the afternoon. Don't know how I will survive the day - his op is a bit more complicated than most as his you-know-whats are retained. The vet suggested waiting until he was about a year old in case they descended but they didn't.


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Re: I survived spay day!

Re : I survived spay day! --- Dee in OR
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 10,2001,07:47 Top of Thread Archive
I'm not a vet but I play one on TV. Feed them french toast with lots of pure butter and real maple syrup from Vermont. They'll be better by tomorrow. Actually, If you don't feed them they will still be better but you will feel better thinking you are being a good mom. Ann D.

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Re: I survived spay day!

Re : I survived spay day! --- Dee in OR
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 10,2001,13:38 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Ann & Lynn. I needed some sympathy! Ann, do you really play a vet on TV or am I a redneck liek Delaine?

Dee in OR

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Re: I survived spay day!

Re : Re: I survived spay day! --- Dee in OR
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 10,2001,16:03 Top of Thread Archive
Sorry, I meant I play a vet on the internet. I also play a doctor on the internet. AnnD.

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Re: I survived spay day!/ ann

Re : Re: I survived spay day! --- Ann Doyle
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 11,2001,09:48 Top of Thread Archive
how does one"play" these roles on the internet? am i missing something here?

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Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: I survived spay day!/ ann --- kathy
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 11,2001,18:38 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks for asking the question 'cause I'm still feeling like a redneck and "don't get it".

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 12,2001,10:04 Top of Thread Archive
People who play doctors on TV hawk medicines as if they have some sort of credibility. I hawk anything I feel like as long as a discredit myself as having no specific knowledge but am only stating my own feelings. Glad you asked. I certainly don't want to mislead someone. I forget not everyone can see my tongue in cheek for all the eye twitches. Ann Doyle

--modified by Ann Doyle at Fri, Oct 12, 2001, 10:05:54

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 13,2001,06:20 Top of Thread Archive
okay, i guess. i still don't really understand what you are saying. you are spoofing these actors?? how is the zooloft working out for you?

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- kathy
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 13,2001,11:03 Top of Thread Archive
The zoloft along with the klonopin is working very well. I was on Xanax and zoned out most of the time. I feel like a normal human being most of the time,
The TV c0mmercials don't do it anymore but at one time they would have someone like Ben Casey or Richard Chamberlin saying how goodthis cough syrup is. They would always start off with "I'm not a real doctor but I play one one TV." That would mean that they couldn't be sued. But they did wear a white doctors coat. Why would they know more about cough syrup than any other Joe Doe.. I forget that most of you people are too young to remember the TV of the 50's.
Thanks for giving me a chance to clear it up. Ann D.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 13,2001,11:18 Top of Thread Archive
Scuse me? Too young for Richard Chamberlin or Ben Casey. I think not. I was in love with Richard Chamberlin. (Delaine probably was too.) If only all doctors could be like him. And I fell in love all over again when Thorn Birds came out. I'm sure that Kathy will remember these guys.

Shirley in AR. who didn't really care for Ben Casey.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 13,2001,13:31 Top of Thread Archive
"Thorn Birds" ... oh, how I cried. My boss used to groan when someone at work would mention the previous night's episode because he knew that I'd be all teary-eyed again. Beautiful show.

Sally in North Idaho who would like to see something worth watching again; not trash.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 13,2001,15:29 Top of Thread Archive
Sally hand me a klneex, I need one just thinking about the Thorn Birds and watch it everytime I can. (You got to admit it was a little trashy too...a priest and all getting her with child and they weren't married...and we are so sappy we loved it anyway!)

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 13,2001,15:24 Top of Thread Archive
Right on the money again Shirley. Loved Richard Chamberlin...always have always will...never cared for Ben Casey.
Now Ann I understand completely what you mean and you are one of us. Shirley has nice teeth so I wouldn't go there.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 13,2001,17:03 Top of Thread Archive
I think at our next really long pity party that we should all watch Thorn Birds. The men can go sit out on the porch and do whatever it that they do. Carl and Roy will have to stick around with us ladies and bring us really soft super absorbent tissues and warm washcloths for our sore eyes. Actually Roy liked the Thorn Birds, too. Maybe we could just let him vacuum and Carl could do dishes.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,08:15 Top of Thread Archive

I suggest and nominate "Thorn Birds" as our internatinal movie. We need a song. We are open for suggestions "Story Weather (NO) "Climb every Mountain" maybe. Do we need a plant, an animal and a bird. I nomintate Shirley for our international bird. Ann D.
Hey, I think I got it. Ann D.

--modified by Ann Doyle at Mon, Oct 15, 2001, 08:19:11

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Mindy ® , Oct 13,2001,19:33 Top of Thread Archive
Me too used to love Richard and not Ben.
Who was the more recent soap opera star from ABC
that used to say he's not a doctor but plays one on TV
He was either from All my children, One life to live,
or General Hospital. Yes, I was hooked when my children were young.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 13,2001,18:44 Top of Thread Archive
The scene with Richard chasing Her down the beach and catching her to make love was voted the sexiest scene on TV. Yeah, I remember it. Ann D.

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Re: Not too young here

Re : Re: Not too young here --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Oct 14,2001,08:59 Top of Thread Archive
Agreed about Richard Chamberlain. As a matter of interest, on a plane
flight to Paris, France in the early 1980's, I noticed a bit of commotion in the mid part of the cabin. Being somewhat curious, I had to check it out (before terrorist threats were this prevalent)and learned that "the" Richard Chamberlain was on the flight. We had a stop before arriving in Paris (I believe it was in Houston) and I found the Thorn Birds pocketbook and had him autograph it. Corny, huh? If there are many more of "us" out there, maybe I should consider it some kind of auction item and donate the proceeds to BEBRF!!! :<) Couldn't resist
putting my two cents in here. Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 13,2001,18:08 Top of Thread Archive
Richard Chamberlain was my hero. Ben Casey I could give a rats ars about and I absolutely ADORED the Thorn Birds. I even read the book & I hate to read! I think I am having heart palpitations just thinking of Richard!!

Dee in OR who remembers Elvis's first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Shew and who remembers before we had color TV.

--modified by Dee in OR at Sat, Oct 13, 2001, 18:08:34

--modified by Dee in OR at Sat, Oct 13, 2001, 18:08:57

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Dee in OR
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 13,2001,18:51 Top of Thread Archive
I remember football players wore leather helmets and no shoulder pads, Knee pads of any other pads. The moto of the defense was to give the quarter back a mild concussion. Just enough to keep him out of the gamed. Ann D.

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 13,2001,22:39 Top of Thread Archive
You must be REALLY old Ann!!!

Dee in OR

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Dee in OR
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 14,2001,05:03 Top of Thread Archive

Very Old and proud of it . but as soon as I mention my age, hoping I am the oldest, 3 more people will claim to be much older. I was 71 but decided that after 70, you start going backwards so I am now 69. When you hit 70, you get to make up your own rules. I may have printed this before. You no longer have to eat the crust of bread and you can eat the rose off the birthday cake. Ann D.

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 14,2001,12:31 Top of Thread Archive
I hear you can eat dessert first or instead of, and play "dress up" and people just think you are a bit excentric! Boy, my spelling is bad this morning. Anyway Ann, it doesn't matter how young you are, you're still welcome here.

Dee in OR

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Dee in OR
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,07:51 Top of Thread Archive
P.S, Dee, I also wear a beaded prom jewel handbag to church on Sun. . I'm notgoing to anymore dances and I think the bags are pretty. No since keeping them in a drawere or selling them at a garage sale for a dollar.. I have come to the conclusiion that if you don't like me , there is something wrong withyou because God loves me just the way I am. Of course he points out my imperfections and suggests I work on theM. Ann D.

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 14,2001,19:13 Top of Thread Archive
Ann, I love bread crusts and I hate those sugary roses!! That would be no treat for me after 70.

And I liked Ben Casey better than Richard Chamberlain. He seems like kind of a wimp. But I loved Dr. Welby and his associate, can't think of his name, but didn't Barbra Steisand get him??

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: TV doctors

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 14,2001,19:27 Top of Thread Archive
Oh, I had forgotten about Dr. Welby. I liked him, too. I guess that you could say that Chamberlain was somewhat "wimpy" but I liked him none the less. We'll just say that he was in touch with his feminine side.
I think Welby's assistant was James Brolin. Barbara Streisand has good taste.

Shirley in AR. (BEB-Apraxia) starting a new trend that I saw on the ST bb

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Re: TV doctors

Re : Re: TV doctors --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,08:02 Top of Thread Archive

Shirley, What it the new trend. Share it with us,
CONFIDENTIAL to Shirley,. They haven't been pickin on you lately. Do you suppose they are picking on me because I'm the new kid on the block. If so, I'm flattered to be in such company.
How many people do you think read this "Confidential, I know I would. Ann D.

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: TV doctors --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 15,2001,10:35 Top of Thread Archive
Ann, I had seen on one of the other bulletin boards where some of them are putting their diagnosis at the end of their post. I have BEB and Apraxia. Some people have BEB or Hemifacial Spasm or Oromandibular Dystonia and on and on. We had decided a while back for those that would like to, we would include our basic location so people would know where we are from. We frequently sign off with something about nothing or just a little interesting tidbit. We get to know each other a little better that way.
I just thought that I would sign off with what my diagnosis is at the present. I have had meige in the past but have not been bothered with it since my surgery so will not list it. People may or may not want to do this.
It might also be nice if people spelled out the entire diagnosis and then put an abbreviation immediately afterwards so people could learn both-as in Hemifacial Spasm-HFS or Blepharospasm-BEB

Shirley in AR.(Blepharospasm-BEB, Apraxia)(6 months post Upper Limited Myectomy)

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Virginia ® , Oct 15,2001,16:53 Top of Thread Archive
This could get out of hand and we'll all exceed our character limit.

Virginia in AL (Blepharospasm-BEB, Meige, Apraxia) (1 year post Upper Limited Myectomy) (Klonopin .25 mg bid) (Botox, 80 units, 2 month intervals - eyes, jaw, neck) (FL41s 55% and 35%). Anything I left out? ;-)

--modified by Virginia at Mon, Oct 15, 2001, 16:53:49

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Virginia
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 15,2001,18:06 Top of Thread Archive
You didn't mention your breathing problem or ointment and drops that you use. :-) I won't go on. That was all very nice, Virginia but I didn't intend to go into that much detail or info-but you surely may if you would like to. I'm just glad that you didn't throw in your various degrees, honors, languages that you are semi-fluent in and pictures of your kids. The pictures of your kids would have been nice.
It all is kind of a nice touch and very informative but I was looking for something a little less comprehensive. Something one can do fairly quickly but hey if you want to type that all out each and every time you just do it, Virginia. :-)

Anyway, it is just a suggestion. I was bored. You have any ideas?
Alan will probably list all of his accidents. The lists could go on and on. And we do have to worry about the character limit like you said.

Shirley in AR. (BEB-Blepharospasm, Apraxia) who is very carefully watching her number of posts.

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 16,2001,00:04 Top of Thread Archive
Sometime when we are bored we could list all our phobias and eccentricities (I think it's spelled correctly). But maybe that would take too many characters to describe our characters.

Sally in North Idaho with lots of oddities.

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 16,2001,07:26 Top of Thread Archive

Shirley, It sounds like I should be on the other site too. I had hemifacial spasm and Micro Vascular Decompression surgery, (brain surgery, no fun) by Dr. Jannetta, the one who perfected the proceedure and has done over 5,000 of them. He was chosen neurosurgeon of the year in Austria in 2000. I had my surgery in Sept of 2000. I was spasm free for 2 days. I think I am the only person to have both hemi and beb. I know I had hemi because I had a red thread over the 7th cranial nerves and it did help with my swallowing.
I was then sent to a movement disorder clinic . Botox helps a lot but it is not perfect, but I am grateful for some relief for 7 or 8 weeks. It is not perfect. I am taking klonopin and Zoloft. I read that you are taking Paristan, Parisdol and Ethopropazine. I wonder if an increase in klonopin or Zoloft would help. I take 1 Zoloft 50 mg. per day and 2 Mg. Klonopin 4 times a day. Is that a lot or average or do you know ?

--modified by Ann Doyle at Tue, Oct 16, 2001, 07:27:34

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 16,2001,11:19 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Ann. I don't think that you need to be on the other site. You have been diagnosed with Blepharospasm. For your own information, you could check out the HFS site and or the dystonia site. But you are always welcome here.

I take .25mg of Klonopin twice a day and Parsitan 12.5mg three times a day. I am gradually increasing the Parsitan on a weekly basis. The generic for Parsitan is Ethopropazine. The trade name for Ethopropazine in the US was Parsidol. It is no longer sold in the US. So, Parsitan, Parsidol and Ethopropazine are all the same drug (just different names for it).

50mg of Zoloft is a common dosage for mild to moderate depression. It will vary from individual to individual. The Klonopin dosage that you are on is much more than I take but it too, should be individualized. When I took much more than I am taking now, I had difficulty with memory problems and others on this board have experienced this also. The increase didn't really help more with my symptoms just added to the side-effects.

Shirley in AR.

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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 16,2001,16:58 Top of Thread Archive
Dee in OR signing off with a diagnosis of Common Insanity brought on by reading all these posts everyday and trying to keep up with Shirley and the girls!


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Re: Signing off with diagnosis

Re : Re: Signing off with diagnosis --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 17,2001,18:18 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Shirley, I always think if a little bit helps more will make it all better. Luckly, I have a doctor who is wise to me. He has known me for 45 years. I just need reassurance that I'm getting enough. Ann D.

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Re: Dr. Welby

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Oct 14,2001,20:28 Top of Thread Archive
Many moons ago, as the story goes, one of Dr. Welby's weekly show was about a young teenager with Dystonia who had brain surgery and was helped a great deal. A lady I know was watching the show and realised all the young man's symptoms were just like her son's who had not been diagnosed. The next day she phoned the doctor in the U.S. who was listed on the credits and sent him all the medical records she had. He diagnosed Dystonia and recommended a doctor here in Toronto. The mother wrote Dr. Welby and got a letter (and a cheque for Dystonia) in reply - I've seen the letter. Also the producer of the show sent a letter and said that it was his story and he'd never been touched so much by a viewer in his life. Unfortunately, the young man died at the age of 18 but the family have never forgotten Dr. Welby's kindness.

June in Toronto

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Re: Dr. Welby

Re : Re: Dr. Welby --- June in Toronto
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 14,2001,20:42 Top of Thread Archive
What a wonderful-heart warming story but also very sad that the young man died at such an early age.


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Re: Dr. Welby

Re : Re: Dr. Welby --- June in Toronto
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Oct 14,2001,21:11 Top of Thread Archive
June what a neat story. Wonderful
Joann in ARK.

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Re: Dr. Welby

Re : Re: Dr. Welby --- June in Toronto
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,08:04 Top of Thread Archive

Great Message June. Ann D.

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Re: Dr. Welby

Re : Re: Dr. Welby --- June in Toronto
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,08:04 Top of Thread Archive

Great Message June. Ann D.

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 15,2001,07:54 Top of Thread Archive
Sally, You make up your own rules. Maybe just eat the crust of bread and throw the rest away. You are free of your mother's rules. You are now the Queen Mother. Love and enjoy, Ann D.

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Dee in OR
Posted by colleen ® , Oct 13,2001,19:03 Top of Thread Archive
I might be almost 70 but i still think Richard is dreamy.I watched the Thorn Birds again a few day ago.Never cared much for Ben.The hair on his chest didnt look real to be.
When we got our first color t v our youngest daugther wouldnt watch it.
She wanted a baby brother or sister & i told her we couldnt afford one
She said if we could afford a new tv we could afford a baby.She finally came around.
Colleen in IL wherte it is still raining about 6ins already

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Dee in OR
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Oct 13,2001,19:27 Top of Thread Archive
Hey Dee...me too.ANNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Did I tell you I went to his house and was alone in his bedbroom with him 2 days in a row?? Whew! I wrote a story about it after he died..........want to read it???

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Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Oct 13,2001,22:38 Top of Thread Archive
Yea, you mentioned that and of course I want to read it. Every detail!!!


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Re:I want to read it, please.

Re : Re: Playing a vet or doc on internet --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 14,2001,19:15 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Delaine,

I want to read your story, please. Dee just told us that she hates to read!!

Sally in North Idaho who has never spent two days in a room with anyone famous!

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Re: I survived spay day!

Re : I survived spay day! --- Dee in OR
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 10,2001,17:01 Top of Thread Archive
I'm so glad that black-letter day is over with. It should be smooth sailing from now on Give the girls a gentle hug from me.

Sally in North Idaho

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