Message from Shirley

Posted by Mindy ® , Oct 13,2001,22:02   Archive
Hello friends,

I cut and pasted a little message from an email I just received from
our dear friend Shirley.
As you read the opportunity she has offered all of you, keep in mind
she says she(her eyes)are doing better.

"If you read this tonight, you can post that I've been kicked off and this is their opportunity to taunt me."

FYI - the reason she got kicked off is because;
"I went over the limit of 20 posts in a 24 hour period so I've been blocked."

So, here's your chance, but remember she'll be back tomorrow :-)

Mindy in NY - where it's late in the east, so I'll say good night.

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Re:Is that all she did?

Re : Message from Shirley --- Mindy
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 14,2001,19:26 Top of Thread Archive
You're telling us that all Shirley did was talk too much? That's nothing new for her. But it would be a dull board if she were to quit talking.

Rest your voice (fingers), Shirley, and think up lots of tidbits to talk about when you get paroled. Maybe you can just make longer messages.

Sally in North Idaho

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Re: Re:Is that all she did?

Re : Re:Is that all she did? --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 14,2001,19:34 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Sally, I've tried the longer messages but you can make them too long also, I've found out. I got blocked once for having too many "characters" in my message. Of course everything that I had said was important ( :-) ) so I just went back and abbreviated a lot of things. I can't remember how many characters are too many but it is like over 2000, I believe, so one usually doesn't have to worry about it. And didn't you get blocked once for too many messages? :-) It happens to the best of us.

At least I didn't get deleted for being naughty (this time).

Shirley in AR. (BEB-Apraxia)

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Re: Re:Is that all she did?

Re : Re: Re:Is that all she did? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 15,2001,17:02 Top of Thread Archive
Yes, I did get blocked once for too many messages, so you are in good company!! I also had too many characters a couple of times. Maybe that comes from hanging out with "characters" such as one finds here on the BB!

Sally in North Idaho who is having great difficulty seeing. Hoping Botox on Thursday will be a cure.

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